Yeah, I don't get that either. It depends a lot on where you're from. I know after all the... um... minutes... that
@Mastermind and I have spent yacking back and forth over stupid chet we were talking about the fads in each area. For example, the 'R' models are available here usually just not nearly as common. The 461R is probably the most common here and most of the time they couldn't give a rats ass about the handle or clutch cover they just want the H.O. oiler. West coast I'm sure anything 70cc or bigger it would be hard to NOT find a wrap handle. Most people around here are cutting hardwood 25" at the most DBH so there isn't MUCH need for 32" bars. (I SAID MOST EVERYONE SO DON'T BITE MY HEAD OFF) So 99% of foresters around here usually are sporting 18"-25" running 3/8" .050" Full Chisel, Full Comp. I haven't used the RSL much but I found it takes some whallop to run it so I ran 1/2 Skip. I don't know how much of a difference it actually made other than it scared the hell out of me a few times on a bore cut. I'm seeing a few loggers experimenting with Square but most are standard grind. I think like Maine, maybe some of the Virginia/W. Virginia area is bigger into the 3/8" .063". I think in @hsnell's neck of the wood's I think they run their chains backwards or some chet, (kidding). On the plateau, Randy says its more common seeing Semi Chisel his way... its just different for each area; Different strokes for different folks. Sounds like Midwest to west in the more southern states especially in rescue applications the Non-mtronics are more common just because the M-Tronic is not too fond of the smokey atmosphere in a forest fire situation. I am still surprised that the 33RS 72 or even at worst case senario the 33RS3 72 is not a prepackaged loop.