Well-Known OPE Member
I was thinking the same thing but as much side to side movement as there is between piston and rod I think a thou or two would be fine. the cases and cylinder flange are machined surfaces not ground I bet it's more forgiving than one might think. Maybe my ideas of close tolerances Is skewed as I'm stuck out in the .0001 wastelands 8 hrs a day. I guess if ya ham fist it and end up say .005 out side to side that be around .010 - .015 movement side to side as it reciprocates. Maybe it would cause some premature wear. Doubt it would make a grenade but I could see loss of powerThat's what I mean by bearing bores,I've just changed one case and sometimes it's not even close to the other one.
The crank not sitting square with the bore is the problem I see. If the cylinder is leaning forward or back a few thousandths I can't see what that would hurt, side pressure would be the killer.
.... you would also see it when you check squish if your doing the crushed solder thing. So why dosent someone do it to a 30$ chinese cylinder and see what happens heck make it .006 out side to side ??