You are encouraged to question the moderator. Please do.
This is a new site......and am not a "highly experienced" moderator.
In my mind this site is being built for the members. That's why Bruce asks so many questions about what we need.
So far this is what I have done. There have been two people that I stopped outright from joining.
I may not have been moderating......but I've been around these saw forums since 2008. I have seen some rank chit go down on these places. The two people I stopped at the door might be great guys........but they both have made a bunch of enemies in the saw community. Their presence here would cause too many fights. I'm not gonna be spending all my time breaking up a bunch of guys that butt heads day after day.
As far as I can tell......there is no "wrong side of the tracks"......if there is, then I'm probably from there. As far as feuds go....I will not tolerate rude behavior from anyone here. Have you ever heard this saying? It is possible to disagree, without being disagreeable. I don't care if it's my best friend.......if they come on this site and start being rude to other members.......I will call them out on it.
So.......treat each other with respect.......and we will have no feuds.