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Stock Chainsaws do not suck!
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
4:20 AM
User ID
Oct 12, 2021
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East, TN
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Ok, I just don’t understand what he’s saying sometimes.
You have been given some good clues. Take them and go back and reread before it started and see if you can figure it out.

Bill G

Here For The Long Haul!
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
3:20 AM
User ID
Mar 14, 2017
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That boy is going to learn some stuff, pretty quick. School of hard knocks is right around the corner.

Yes indeed! He will learn things not taught in "online school"

Another Bill G story

As many of us know the ACT test has been around for years as the standard college entry test. It is a joke and the SAT is worse. When most of us were in school if we wanted to take it we had to pay for it out of our pocket and devote a Saturday morning to going to a testing location to take it.

In 2001 in response to the BS "No child left behind crap" each state had to give all students a standardized test so the idiot Feds could measure schools. Illinois contracted with ACT and required all Juniors in Illinois to take it. It was given during the school day and the taxpayers paid the bill making ACT even richer. Well SAT saw how wealthy ACT was getting off it and shot the Illinois bureaucrats a better offer. Illinois bit on it and signed an 8 year contract with SAT. It was disgrace. Now that is over and in Spring 2025 it goes back to ACT. It will still be a joke though.

Years ago when I was teaching Illinois, the day before the test, teachers we were "strongly encouraged" to wear a sweatshirt from the college/university we graduated from. It was supposed to motivate kids to take the test seriously. My wife would wear one from the private Catholic University she got her two B.S. degrees from or one from where she got her M.S. I would not wear one. Our principal came to me the first year of the policy and asked why I was not wearing one. I told her that they do not have sweatshirts for the school of hard knocks that is where I got my education.

She looked at me funny and said well our records say you went to Western Illinois University for your B.S. and Iowa State University for a M.S. I would like to know why don't have a sweatshirt and your wife does? I said that is simple Katy, my wife has the same figure she did in college, I do not. She had three sons and I gained the weight for her. Our principal, Katy laughed and walked away.

She never asked again.