High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

SELLING Hey Potential Buyers !!!

Trader history (3)

Lightning Performance

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
3:11 PM
User ID
Jan 26, 2016
Reaction score
East of Philly
Live video chats recorded will weed out a lot of BS with newbies and it's hard to talk *s-word after the fact.
So... smile mfer if you wanna get paid.
My 2ct


Plastic member
Local time
7:11 PM
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May 14, 2017
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Sussex, UK.
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I'd like to add somthing,,
somthing I was silly to be lead down the path by a seller on the bay,, no one here.

It was can you pay my Into girlfriend PayPal. Now I know that some people use this as a way of diverting funds. The story was I owe the bank some money, if it goes int my account the bank will gobble it up.
So silly me agreed to pay it into his girlfriends PayPal, I never got the saw, I got a few excuses, away working, the The courier that he recommended refused it as it stank of petrol and as his girlfriend packed it He was helpless and sorry.

anyway enough was enough, as you know your PayPal is your email, I decided to contact his girlfriend, and ask her a few questions,
The bottom line was she was in hospital when I paid her, and just had a baby. she said The guy was a friend that owed her money, and that he had been working with me and he asked me to pay her.

it got me the sads, she made me feel bad .....do I challenge this prick and let him Get away with it as the money will come out of this woman’s account, and she’s just had a baby.

Well as I was short of cash, I asked myself could I afford to give “them £700”
The answer was no I could not...!!! I had to work hard, for my money and I was not about to give it to anyone.
And was she really in hospital, Idk..
PayPal retuned my money as I’d used the buying goods and added in the notes part “for payment of ms660 chainsaw.”
She could not and did not provide proof of shipping.
It did take a lot of work and time with short deadlines to actually get my money back.

So take note, scammers try and play with your feelers...to make you feel bad

now I was luckyo_O


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
6:11 AM
User ID
Jan 9, 2016
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Country flag
I'd like to add somthing,,
somthing I was silly to be lead down the path by a seller on the bay,, no one here.

It was can you pay my Into girlfriend PayPal. Now I know that some people use this as a way of diverting funds. The story was I owe the bank some money, if it goes int my account the bank will gobble it up.
So silly me agreed to pay it into his girlfriends PayPal, I never got the saw, I got a few excuses, away working, the The courier that he recommended refused it as it stank of petrol and as his girlfriend packed it He was helpless and sorry.

anyway enough was enough, as you know your PayPal is your email, I decided to contact his girlfriend, and ask her a few questions,
The bottom line was she was in hospital when I paid her, and just had a baby. she said The guy was a friend that owed her money, and that he had been working with me and he asked me to pay her.

it got me the sads, she made me feel bad .....do I challenge this prick and let him Get away with it as the money will come out of this woman’s account, and she’s just had a baby.

Well as I was short of cash, I asked myself could I afford to give “them £700”
The answer was no I could not...!!! I had to work hard, for my money and I was not about to give it to anyone.
And was she really in hospital, Idk..
PayPal retuned my money as I’d used the buying goods and added in the notes part “for payment of ms660 chainsaw.”
She could not and did not provide proof of shipping.
It did take a lot of work and time with short deadlines to actually get my money back.

So take note, scammers try and play with your feelers...to make you feel bad

now I was luckyo_O
I bet at the point you realised you were scammed, you cared little about paying the extra 3% to PayPal :sisi3::sisi3:
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Husqvarnas Sawyer
Local time
3:11 PM
User ID
Dec 27, 2015
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Not really singling you two fellas out but your comments bring up a good point. It's always good to vet a seller for sure. However, the most recent rip-off was carried out by a member who had several positive transactions and happy customers. Strapon, Terry Landrum, and Chainsaw Jim were all trusted sellers at one time. Until they weren't... You never really can tell when someone is going to burn all their bridges.

I personally won't use PayPal f&f moving forward unless the sailor is a good friend. It's not a guaranteed parachute but its better than nothing.
If i can remember correctly this is not Terry s first bout with troubles this way . Me personally i have never had any issues with Terry . Or the other 2 people. Just one bad purchase over the net . Actually it happened on AS . And randy rectified the situation totally!!!
Most guys on here are men based on there words and there actions .
But i will tell you i have a list of no questions asked sellers i will buy from . I also have another list of not to buy from at all . Both list still have current members here .
Kick the tires ask lots of questions and know who you are dealing with . Its a shame we can not take people on there word.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
2:11 PM
User ID
Oct 11, 2016
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What has been you studs experience with Craigslist or Facebook Market Place purchases?
I am finally seeing some decent deals on FB, yet I don't know any of these folks.
One guy I chatted with about 2 yrs ago vouched for the seller of a 044 I could buy shipped for $350, yet that "saw looked rougher than a night in jail!":eek:
I passed...


Aluminium Member
Local time
3:11 PM
User ID
Jan 17, 2016
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What has been you studs experience with Craigslist or Facebook Market Place purchases?
I am finally seeing some decent deals on FB, yet I don't know any of these folks.
One guy I chatted with about 2 yrs ago vouched for the seller of a 044 I could buy shipped for $350, yet that "saw looked rougher than a night in jail!":eek:
I passed...
Usually the FB marketplace is kids wanting to know what something is worth
Very annoying.
They'll post a for sale or trade then won't price it or say what they will trade for.
I did get a nice 2165 off a guy
He couldn't meet me anywhere I had to drive to his house.
Turns out
was on house arrest for
Many altercations while drunk
Likes to fight with his neighbors and the local deputies.
Nice guy had the grim reaper tattooed across his throat.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
2:11 PM
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Oct 11, 2016
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Yeah......I learned more about people I thought I really respected. Changed my perspectives, and my friend's list.
Wow, I certainly can relate to that.
My circle shifted when my perspective shifted. Then my stress dropped & serenity level increased!! LOL
Imagine that!


Chief Cat Herder
Staff member
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
2:11 PM
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Dec 3, 2015
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Wow, I certainly can relate to that.
My circle shifted when my perspective shifted. Then my stress dropped & serenity level increased!! LOL
Imagine that!

I would rather not lose any more friends, so I avoid Facebook.

Lightning Performance

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
3:11 PM
User ID
Jan 26, 2016
Reaction score
East of Philly
I would rather not lose any more friends, so I avoid Facebook.
I'd rather not have any friends on or off Fakebook.
My two recent selling experiences there were a nightmare. Took all my adds down from Fakebook.
Buying on Fakebook has been a pleasure if you can avoid the BSers. Direct to the point works best imo. "Hi, I'm a cash in hand buyer let's meet and make a deal". 1-10 never show up. Tried one guy, twice, to no avail. It was just a pair of car tires, local.
Selling on Fakebook might never happen again with used tools leaving here. The amount of trolls and time wasters is monumental!

Just stick with OPE if your a buyer looking for a turn key runner or parts. You might pay a bit more in the long run but it will be so so worth it imo.

I still buy here from trusted members whom I still never meet or might never meet. I don't need their last name, address or phone number. Funny how that matters little among a tight organization.

Now new members are something I actively avoid anywhere now. 2 out of 2 ruined that here and there for myself.
Buy from OPE established members imo.

Oh and Thank You to all those who just make it so so easy to get muh parts, big smile here :D

It's almost seven in the morning and I look like a drown rat, rain...

Ymmv :polutxoso:

Funky sawman

Pony Power
Local time
12:11 PM
User ID
Feb 10, 2017
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North idaho
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If I failed to ship out a product on here, I would be called out, just like anyone else that would be the "wrong dooer" .
I've always used friends and family, no issues, now all of a sudden because such and such said this now we can no longer "be friends" and pay for products like the trusting individuals we are.
Anybody gots problem with me, speak up. I've never intended any wrong doing, the time I know of a wrong doing with a cylinder I sold that had chrome flaking, I made it right.
PayPal is a pain in my butt to begin with, when dealing with irs audits, everything must be accounted for, and taxed. I don't charge you guys tax, I don't charge shipping, matter of fact, some items I've sold, it cost more money than I sold it for just to ship.
What happened to money orders? I'm about ready to go back to that, if that don't work for you, bye!


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
2:11 PM
User ID
May 13, 2018
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Central Texas
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Quit buying saws and *s-wordt and everything will be a-otay...
Or quit entering raffles;-)

If I failed to ship out a product on here, I would be called out, just like anyone else that would be the "wrong dooer" .
I've always used friends and family, no issues, now all of a sudden because such and such said this now we can no longer "be friends" and pay for products like the trusting individuals we are.
Anybody gots problem with me, speak up. I've never intended any wrong doing, the time I know of a wrong doing with a cylinder I sold that had chrome flaking, I made it right.
PayPal is a pain in my butt to begin with, when dealing with irs audits, everything must be accounted for, and taxed. I don't charge you guys tax, I don't charge shipping, matter of fact, some items I've sold, it cost more money than I sold it for just to ship.
What happened to money orders? I'm about ready to go back to that, if that don't work for you, bye!

you sir are a stand up guy that worked with me quite amazingly. As have many others on this forum. I normally use G&S but try to add some on to the total to help offset the fees. As far as the money orders, Some of the folks on another forum I frequent only accept USPS MO. They are the same way don’t like it? Move along......
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Saw R skeery
Local time
2:11 PM
User ID
Oct 21, 2016
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If I failed to ship out a product on here, I would be called out, just like anyone else that would be the "wrong dooer" .
I've always used friends and family, no issues, now all of a sudden because such and such said this now we can no longer "be friends" and pay for products like the trusting individuals we are.
Anybody gots problem with me, speak up. I've never intended any wrong doing, the time I know of a wrong doing with a cylinder I sold that had chrome flaking, I made it right.
PayPal is a pain in my butt to begin with, when dealing with irs audits, everything must be accounted for, and taxed. I don't charge you guys tax, I don't charge shipping, matter of fact, some items I've sold, it cost more money than I sold it for just to ship.
What happened to money orders? I'm about ready to go back to that, if that don't work for you, bye!

You sir have always been great to work with.

And on the MO front I shipped one once to Minnesota next day just to watch it go to Las Vegas NV and arrive 3 days late.

I'm in Kansas by the way lol.