When you think of really terrifying words in the English language what comes to mind? For me malignant and metastasized are about as bad as I can realize.
I had a friend that lived in a great community. It was gated and protected and each property was a couple acres or more. This allowed room for wildlife. There were small herds of deer present and my friend liked to watch them and enjoy their interactions. At one time he noticed a small buck with growths hanging from his body. These tumors made him look like a hunter in a Gillie suit. He tried to join the group and interact as others did. This the herd would not allow. They ostracized him. If he didn't get the hint of a cold shoulder then one of the other bucks would stab him with his antlers until he got the hint. He didn't act, look or smell like the group. I suspect this is natures way of keeping the gene pool healthy. Animals are that way. He disappeared in a short time.
We don't like to think of ourselves as Animals, but we are. Remember when you heard that Bob was dying of Cancer? "Oh no" was your response. The next thing said was "well I have to go and see him." Well did you? Maybe just once. He didn't act the same, and with all his hair gone and emaciated he didn't look the same. Those drugs and living in the same room, he didn't smell like our other friends. Yea, one visit was enough. Then at the funeral you told people you were glad you "got to see him" before he passed. Really?
Dignified. Try to tell me about dignity when you have to wear a diaper and a stranger from Hospice changes it for you. Tell me after you have puked into your dinner plate when the whole family is there to visit you. The big "C" does not care about your dignity, nor your comfort. The Doctor says "we can make you comfortable". Have you ever seen anyone with stage five "comfortable?" Well doped up and loony so they don't know "com'er from sic'em" but is that comfortable? Society deludes itself! You ever notice that the Doctor does not really give you enough to make you "eternally comfortable?"
I want to go like Dad and Grandfather. Here now, lucid and alive, and gone in a hour. Maybe we should have something like One Hour Martinizing. Have a Crematory in back. Drop off Grandma and pick up the ashes next day. Well anyway quick is good when it comes to meeting the grim reaper. You still have your dignity.
"We have an experimental treatment that we would like to try" that is medical speak for you have no hope and we have a couple torture treatments that haven't worked on anyone else but maybe it will for you. Maybe it will drain your savings account and make you so miserable that you will be glad when it is over. I've heard people say "I just want this to be over". If they can people go back home the last days. Home is your "place". Comfort from home is the last vestige of hope in your soul. A little sacred peace before meeting the grim reaper.
So maybe this was not the happy message and story you wanted today. If you are reading this and are healthy, hit your knees and give thanks to whichever overseer you believe and celebrate today.....yes just today at least.