To your point. If someone knows of a "quality" used chain seller and wouldn't mind sharing their contact, that would be great.
I have no interest in burning a seller by listing them as bad. I prefer to not list a bad seller and list those I would recommend. Just my .02.
Locally, you can see before you buy (CL, rental dealer, etc.), and is the best way. The distance and anonymity of the Internet can lead to strange practices. One person may have a great experience with a seller, and another not so good. That's what those ratings are for, so please rate sellers and transactions accurately and fairly.
I don't have any recent chain transactions to share; sorry. But you can cover yourself by limiting the $ amount of any purchase, and by using the buyer protection tools of places like Amazon and eBay. Lately, I have been buying a lot of used books on each platform. Got some really good deals. But some books, marked '
next to new', were water-stained, musty, dirty, had bent pages, writing, etc., etc. Clearly misrepresented by the seller. I have no problem leaving poor feedback for them. I understand that some buyers abuse this system to try to get discounts or free stuff: that is why in-person is best.
*EDIT* I should add that buying from members on forums like this, can be a better option than from someone who maybe really does not know chains.