Agreed. Was gonna mention that myself. Looks like a MS380 with screw in caps. The shroud and air box contours are one of the classic and distinct aspects of the 028, 038, 042, 048 "family", imo. Think I'd just order the round badge and call it a MS380. Less aggravation all the way around and truer to the build. But that's just me.
As for the tank? Make sure it doesn't leak before ya put too many more parts together around it! Been there, done that with an 036 FarmerTec tank. Fixable with Seal-All and still not leaking after several months, but found out the hard way the tank was defective. The outer tank half literally separated from the handle with only a little nudge. Not good. Easiest way to check it is to pump a few pounds of air into it through the fuel line. Should hold several psi unless the tank vent is bad..., which was also the case with this particular tank. (DDave includes an OEM vent with all his aftermarket MS tanks that use the button style vent because they're so problematic.)
BTW, your build sure is a lot prettier than the one I have on the bench. At least I don't think anyone will steal this one..., on purpose. LOL (And this pic is after I cleaned it up yesterday.) Someone had fun with a couple cans of spray paint before I got it and every bit of nasty funk just sunk in and stained wherever it landed. Building it for a guy who wants a mean ass ugly saw, so boy is he in luck!