I agree with most comments above. After running a properly ported saw, most stock saws will feel under powered. Sharp chain very important. The Pro's of a ported saw, out weigh the cons in my opinion.
>The Pro's of a ported saw, out weigh the cons in my opinion
Pro's: somewhere, I think... it was here on the OPE... somewhere I read or heard... all the pro's are members here!
Con's: most of them are in jail! aside from a few here, I did hear or maybe read it here...some of the cons still here! LOL
exhaust: if my 044 talks like it should, I will just tell the neighbors I put in a bigger camshaft!
for another noisy neighbor - 'paybacks are h*ll'... as I start my sunday morning 6:45 am saw firewood cutting, on their bedroom side of house.
thread: yes, this is a good one!
I am pro-ported saw,
at least for one. I can do my own work. here I have taken my 044 exhaust port to a high level of porting excellence, at least imo. cyl, heat sink plate, gasket and muffler all port matched to extend the shape of the port... and dowel pinned to always get the parts back in perfect alignment to the port. this is ruff state of finish. with the pinning of the parts, little to no movement out of alingment, w/o pinning +/- 3/32nds! I plan to take this aluminum polishing work to a near mirror finish... if for no other reason, that I just want to. hope it runs well, and I don't get 'the bug!'... I like modified engines, but really don't want to mod all my saws. got plenty wood to cut n split, instead! lol... dowell pin is a bit dif than my original thots as I was going to use a 1/16th roll pin, but I like the final design better. the dowell pin does not stay in the dowell pin alignment hole. the large T-27 torx head fasteners are temporary... I have turned down the oe pair in both diam and height... oe diam: .335 or so to 235 or so, 040 off the top, then rounded to favor expanding hot gasses's flow patterns... well, I heard every lil bit can help!
I have an extensive background in porting, but this is my first chainsaw... not sure if all this will work, or work well... but I got my fingers x'd.... a 2nd exhaust vent is planned on the R side of the muffler, I plan to hand shape it myself... light blacksmith work! and attch it. weld or maybe just small fastners...
matched porting of stihl 044 exhaust port, heat sink plate, gasket and muffler, with dowel pin system.