I looked at my raker gauge that I use on 404 chain last night, and I wasn't wrong... It's a 0.020 guage. I may try knocking down to 0.025 now that ya'll say 0.030-0.035, but at 0.020 it runs so smooth in all the hard woods (white and red Oak, mulberry, cherry, dead dry elm, etc). I don't cut poplar, soft maple, or pine... I don't mind a grab but I don't want chatter either.
I also looked and I'm using older Oregon 58B (404 full comp chisel 058). Not sure what the "B" signifies but 58B is what's stamped on the the drive links. Pretty sure the old roll packaging still has "Omark" printed on it... Old stuff... Looked up the new recommendations for Oregon 58/59 404 chain... It says 0.025 depth guage. So maybe I'm a little under and you guys are a little over...???
What chain are you running? Stihl RS?