Super OPE Member

My 362 rcm that is currently on its way from the monkey in tn

The filter is clean.....I just now went out and tapped the filter and very little dust to be seen, about as much as one cut with my 034. Maybe the wet weather keeps the dust down in these parts.Clean the filter! I like to tap it out first, the use the compressor to blow the rest out. You may notice a difference in performance.
That's what I'm looking for, a Stihl 20" light bar. Guess I will have to go back to the dealer and ask again.The light bar? Its a 25". Also have a 20" light for it but she has worn the 25" for 99% of her life.
I checked the website, I don't think they sell anything shorter than the 28" light around here!
Looks nice! (FYI, my 28" light bar is lighter than my 24" E bar).
FMF stand for Fast Mother Farker ?View attachment 44675 and one of her looking all sexy
well I guess she has been "tampered" with lol....some jackass used a straight srewdriver as piston stop, so I had to shape the exhaust port some to get the imperfection out....I didn't go deep just cleaned it enough to go to "work"... also I opened the stock exhaust hole and made the carb fully adjustable.... so I guess she's not fully stock LOL!!!!Is your saw a stock 362?