what was your stock number on this Mahle jug Jason?It's back together at 103 123 77 and is a different saw entirely.
Nicest transfers I've seen in a while, if not ever.
Torque is measured, power is calculated. The curves will always cross at the same rpm on every chart, I believe that number to be 5250. IIRC, HP is torque x rpm /5250.So what have we learned?
I've always thought a saw could be as strong as it can be with lots of different timing,this saw was strong with the low exhaust and it's strong now with it raised,the difference is with a higher exhaust the power is moved up in the rpm,so if it made ?hp before at 9000 rpm
It could very well be the same hp now but at 11000 rpm and with the power that high it's faster than the low exhaust one.
I knew I would have to raise everything but I wanted to do a before and after to show the difference.
I'm not saying you can raise the exhaust and gain everytime there's to many variables but you don't have to have a low exhaust to have tourqe.
If a saw at 107 will turn a chain at 10500 in the wood but at 103 it turns 12000,which has more "tourqe"?
100%Just raising the exhaust wouldn't have got it where it is,like everything on these it's a combination of things,usually when you raise the exhaust you need to raise the transfers and in some cases give it some intake which is what this saw needed.
Hp and tourqe numbers for a saw are Kool but I'm more interested in what rpm max output is at,a 10hp saw is useless if it makes it at 6000 rpm but at 11000 it's a monster.
I got a old 066 you ported in on trade,got a chance to run it today and it is a great running saw,nice work!No pics of transfers... might as well not even make a build thread.
Why did you take it apart Matt?The docs 262 he did for my saw.
I'll let him tell numbers. It runs fine....nuff said
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