Well-Known OPE Member

hi all, I have a friends stihl 044 at the moment and it's giving me grief! Usually I will figure out 90% of small engine issues but this one......
so I recently gave it a new piston and ring as it was slightly scored and I cleaned up the original cylinder, so I know the compression is great.
After I rebuilt it I ran one tank through it and noticed no running issues, I tuned it slightly fat as I always do for engine longevity.
Anyways he claims he used it once and said it ran great, and now the second time he went to use it it kept stalling out when he put the saw down, since running the saw myself it runs great at wide open throttle but when you let it idle it stumbles and gets worse and worse until it stalls out then it's very hard to start.
I removed carb and gave it a new diafram kit, new needle, changed fuel filter, and some fresh fuel, (just incase his fuel was bad.
After all that, it's still the same.
Also I re inspected the piston all ok.
I've checked fuel line and impulse hose, ok.
I'm now starting to think crank seals
But I thought bad crank seals make the saw lean out and idle up not down.
Any advice would be great. !
so I recently gave it a new piston and ring as it was slightly scored and I cleaned up the original cylinder, so I know the compression is great.
After I rebuilt it I ran one tank through it and noticed no running issues, I tuned it slightly fat as I always do for engine longevity.
Anyways he claims he used it once and said it ran great, and now the second time he went to use it it kept stalling out when he put the saw down, since running the saw myself it runs great at wide open throttle but when you let it idle it stumbles and gets worse and worse until it stalls out then it's very hard to start.
I removed carb and gave it a new diafram kit, new needle, changed fuel filter, and some fresh fuel, (just incase his fuel was bad.
After all that, it's still the same.
Also I re inspected the piston all ok.
I've checked fuel line and impulse hose, ok.
I'm now starting to think crank seals
But I thought bad crank seals make the saw lean out and idle up not down.
Any advice would be great. !
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