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Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
5:34 PM
User ID
Jan 14, 2016
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North western Ohio
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I just don't understand why somebody would deal with another person they had never met and ship a saw 500 miles away with a prepaid check and expect to get a super saw in a month or two .For crying out loud usually a simple muffler mod would satisfy most who want better performance . That is so simple anybody that knows a screwdriver from a wrench should be able to do .Good grief !
Then again there was this guy who was selling modified mufflers on flea bay for 90 bucks a pop after a super sales pitch and people got on it like flies on sugar .I didn't get that either .He tried to sell me one too ,like I was a dumb azz ,that didn't go so well for him .:smash2:


Chief Cat Herder
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I just don't understand why somebody would deal with another person they had never met and ship a saw 500 miles away with a prepaid check and expect to get a super saw in a month or two .For crying out loud usually a simple muffler mod would satisfy most who want better performance . That is so simple anybody that knows a screwdriver from a wrench should be able to do .Good grief !
Then again there was this guy who was selling modified mufflers on flea bay for 90 bucks a pop after a super sales pitch and people got on it like flies on sugar .I didn't get that either .He tried to sell me one too ,like I was a dumb azz ,that didn't go so well for him .:smash2:

Everyone ain't highly skilled like you Al.

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
5:34 PM
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Jan 14, 2016
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North western Ohio
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Come on it doesn't take much to gut a muffler .Now more than that I would agree requires some skills not to mention access and ability to operate machine tools plus a degree of mechanical comprehension .Other than righty tighty,lefty loosey .Tight is tight,too tight is broken .:)


Well-Known OPE Member
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Jan 20, 2019
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When I see precision made OEM cylinders/pistons and a "tuner" uses a junk hobbyists lathe... :eusa_doh:

some guys are really into it to play with OEM standards.

No insult for the real mechanics that understand what they do:angel2:


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
4:34 PM
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Mar 26, 2017
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I probably should let this go, but.....

It's the hypocrisy Shea. Simple. I've seen it over and over and over.
I see it right in our church a lot myself with different ones but...... not all of us are that way and I wouldn't put this problem with him on that either, plus who knows for sure his church background is even true... some people use that to get things, I've seen that first hand also.

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Saw R skeery
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4:34 PM
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Oct 21, 2016
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I just don't understand why somebody would deal with another person they had never met and ship a saw 500 miles away with a prepaid check and expect to get a super saw in a month or two .For crying out loud usually a simple muffler mod would satisfy most who want better performance . That is so simple anybody that knows a screwdriver from a wrench should be able to do .Good grief !
Then again there was this guy who was selling modified mufflers on flea bay for 90 bucks a pop after a super sales pitch and people got on it like flies on sugar .I didn't get that either .He tried to sell me one too ,like I was a dumb azz ,that didn't go so well for him .:smash2:

I've done it 7 time now without a problem.
Plus my car can go about 600 miles on a tank:cool:

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
5:34 PM
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Jan 14, 2016
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North western Ohio
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plus who knows for sure his church background is even true... some people use that to get things, I've seen that first hand also.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
Well at the risk of sounding like I'm a basher on that .I've seen many people allege these things but do not follow them .Talk is cheap ,actions speak louder .If you don't believe me just look at a political climate today and with that I rest my case .

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
5:34 PM
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Jan 14, 2016
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North western Ohio
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I've done it 7 time now without a problem.
Plus my car can go about 600 miles on a tank:cool:
I had a 1990 Cadillac with a 26 gallon tank that might have done it but I have a small capacity bladder that would not .I don't know which is worse,coffee or beer .You can only rent either .


Saw R skeery
Local time
4:34 PM
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Oct 21, 2016
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I had a 1990 Cadillac with a 26 gallon tank that might have done it but I have a small capacity bladder that would not .I don't know which is worse,coffee or beer .You can only rent either .

I'm gonna say beer, cuz when you're stumbling out of your car to piss people look at ya funny.

I'm a dick on road trips.

You get 1 bottle of water and crackers. I'm only stopping for gas.
Last edited:


Here For The Long Haul!
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4:34 PM
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Mar 26, 2017
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Well at the risk of sounding like I'm a basher on that .I've seen many people allege these things but do not follow them .Talk is cheap ,actions speak louder .If you don't believe me just look at a political climate today and with that I rest my case .
I'm not following what you're saying

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk


Mr. Awesome
Local time
5:34 PM
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Mar 11, 2016
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Old Fort, NC
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I probably should let this go, but.....

It's the hypocrisy Shea. Simple. I've seen it over and over and over.

Won't argue that. It shows he is human and imperfect. His choices have negatively impacted others and left a smear on his reputation. My concern is that this becomes a question of religious beliefs and how a person SHOULD live and interact when supposedly following those guidelines. I'm not comfortable with blaming the religion for the individuals faults. Every day I have to confront my own missteps with my maker, I hope he would also.

Mr Awesome

Randy, this discussion is a good thing. Being able to openly have some back and forth over subjects we might not agree on usually shows we aren't that far apart and can strengthen friendships. Too often we go to extremes in our arguments and alienate people, there by eliminating our opportunity to build relationships and impact others positively. Love you brother.


Here For The Long Haul!
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4:34 PM
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Mar 26, 2017
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Won't argue that. It shows he is human and imperfect. His choices have negatively impacted others and left a smear on his reputation. My concern is that this becomes a question of religious beliefs and how a person SHOULD live and interact when supposedly following those guidelines. I'm not comfortable with blaming the religion for the individuals faults. Every day I have to confront my own missteps with my maker, I hope he would also.

Mr Awesome

Randy, this discussion is a good thing. Being able to openly have some back and forth over subjects we might not agree on usually shows we aren't that far apart and can strengthen friendships. Too often we go to extremes in our arguments and alienate people, there by eliminating our opportunity to build relationships and impact others positively. Love you brother.
That's the only point I was trying to make, but I figure I didn't do that very well. I don't care what someone's religious beliefs are, all people screw up,that's just the way it is and always will be no matter what. You just have to make it right somewhere somehow, you cant run from it like this feller seems to be doing.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

Al Smith

Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
5:34 PM
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Jan 14, 2016
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North western Ohio
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I'm not following what you're saying

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
Let me qualify that .Whatever anybodies beliefs are is none of my business .However and not referring to anybody in praticular I think we've all seen people jump on the band wagon but they don't practice what they preach and often do just the opposite .Just saying .


Chief Cat Herder
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Banner Springs Tennessee
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Won't argue that. It shows he is human and imperfect. His choices have negatively impacted others and left a smear on his reputation. My concern is that this becomes a question of religious beliefs and how a person SHOULD live and interact when supposedly following those guidelines. I'm not comfortable with blaming the religion for the individuals faults. Every day I have to confront my own missteps with my maker, I hope he would also.

Mr Awesome

Randy, this discussion is a good thing. Being able to openly have some back and forth over subjects we might not agree on usually shows we aren't that far apart and can strengthen friendships. Too often we go to extremes in our arguments and alienate people, there by eliminating our opportunity to build relationships and impact others positively. Love you brother.

First....we generally discourage our members talking about religion, or politics. The reason is simple. People tend to be extremely closed minded. They only want to hear other people's thoughts when they neatly mesh with their own. So when an individual with an opposing idea chimes in....chaos results....feeling are hurt....enemies are made. So, we try to avoid these subjects.

What has happened even without those subjects? People are so closed minded that they ended up with their panties wadded up over someone dissing their preferred brand of garden tool.

The moral of this story? People are incredibly silly.....and will find a way to get their feelings hurt regardless of what the subject matter is.


I'll share from my personal experience.....just what I've seen in my 55 years.

I've had the pleasure of getting screwed over by a car salesman who had Jesus pamphlets all over his office, and gospel music playing on his speakers. Two "Christian" contractors beat me out of large sums of money. Every time you turn on the news these days some feller that was just telling everyone else how to live is getting caught doing some dastardly deed. That's just a few examples......I've seen a great many more.

Does this mean all Christians are bad? Of course not. But hypocrisy weighs heavily on my mind.

So many bad actors are using religion as a cover that it makes the entire group look bad.

Just my experience.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
5:34 PM
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Jan 20, 2016
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First....we generally discourage our members talking about religion, or politics. The reason is simple. People tend to be extremely closed minded. They only want to hear other people's thoughts when they neatly mesh with their own. So when an individual with an opposing idea chimes in....chaos results....feeling are hurt....enemies are made. So, we try to avoid these subjects.

What has happened even without those subjects? People are so closed minded that they ended up with their panties wadded up over someone dissing their preferred brand of garden tool.

The moral of this story? People are incredibly silly.....and will find a way to get their feelings hurt regardless of what the subject matter is.


I'll share from my personal experience.....just what I've seen in my 55 years.

I've had the pleasure of getting screwed over by a car salesman who had Jesus pamphlets all over his office, and gospel music playing on his speakers. Two "Christian" contractors beat me out of large sums of money. Every time you turn on the news these days some feller that was just telling everyone else how to live is getting caught doing some dastardly deed. That's just a few examples......I've seen a great many more.

Does this mean all Christians are bad? Of course not. But hypocrisy weighs heavily on my mind.

So many bad actors are using religion as a cover that it makes the entire group look bad.

Just my experience.

You should see what's going on with the catholic church in my neck of the woods...

You would seriously puke.

I'm with you on the hypocrisy. Nobody has an opinion on religion or politics that bothers me..lol..I just laugh.

People are weak and brainwashed..straight up.