Might wanna put a chain on it before you cut. I heard they cut better that way.
I'm looking for some square skip safety chain
Might wanna put a chain on it before you cut. I heard they cut better that way.
Then it will get dirty...
You can see the 36 rocking it forward so yes definitely nose heavy. You should own one! Every man NEEDS a 661!
Then I would have to part with my masterminded 10mm 044 and 2188, as I dont use my big saws much. I can get away with one "big" saw. I mainly use my ported 50cc saw the most.
I thought posting things like this got you banned . Honestly I know exactly what you mean I just didn't have anything that would handle these monster oak trees people seem to save for me.
My brother in law has a landscaping company. I keep my big saws in hopes of him having a big tree job or big tree that he needs cut down or stumped.
Here's what was in my box.....
View attachment 56206
32" ES light
View attachment 56207View attachment 56208
Man I want to fire this beast and give it hell, but I just made a deal on a house and might be forced sell my saws. I figure may as well leave it virgin for now just in case.
I cut one down that size a week ago. Yeah I'm scared of em too. All went well.
Yeah, I know I know.... that will only be a last resort. I already gave in got her fueled up and popped off. Man it sounds pretty nasty.Oh man that thing is sexy with that light bar on it! Sell it hum... wait here while I assemble an angry mob to talk some sense into you.
I'm no tree ace by far but things went well That tree tried to pull its stump out of the ground on the way down. It was big.The sound and feel of that hitting the ground had to be something to witness.
I gots a pr o 288s n a tree90.You can see the 36 rocking it forward so yes definitely nose heavy. You should own one! Every man NEEDS a 661!
Bore cut bigguns first. If they R solid or mostly so, aint sceerd! Luv to stand back , watch em fall n feel da ground shake.I cut one down that size a week ago. Yeah I'm scared of em too. All went well.
Breaking the 661 in turned this
View attachment 56684
Into this....
View attachment 56686
Now just gotta get it split.