Pinnacle OPE Member

Good one...Put this guy in a perfectly round room for 15 minutes with nothing but an anvil and a stick of butter. He might be able to break the anvil with the butter and manage to loose the butter all at the same time. I work with this type of guy x5 everyday. Nothing surprises me anymore. However when they drop things off for me to fix that they broke I find some of it truly impressive as to how they can jack that much stuff up while trying to conquer a simple task. Also wild thing with a file x2.
Druzbah (sp?)
Its painful.. its not him persay... more the people he "hires" to help him.While reading some posts and it's on my mind, and @Jimmy in NC could verify or not...this guy fellas could just be one of those type of folks who just kinda sorta lingers right at the edge and stays 'spring loaded in the *f-word up position' at all times. We've all seen and been around those types, lol.
I hear ya...they could give a rats' ass less...it ain't costing them dick.Its painful.. its not him persay... more the people he "hires" to help him.
BEST Answer????Hand saw
Where i am at... i like selling but death sentences suck.As much as I hate to say it, send him to Lowes or Home Depot to buy a cheap saw and buy the extended warranty. Let him trash that garbage all he wants instead of ruining perfectly good saws.
I heard that...Where i am at... i like selling but death sentences suck.