I wanna add.. a spring has a memory ! . Ie wants to go back to it’s original state.
The way you make it forget is to heat it. Then you can bend it. It’s also less brittle.
Without going deaper into metarology
I’ve bent starter recoil spring to make them work again , but also ordered a new spring to replace the next time it fugged up (which was a longish time as I changed the metaodology of the spring starters memory . But then also had a spare when it finally broke
But on another note, it’s a good idea how things work, Ie… you pull the starter cord and the saw starts ( a new saw from the shop)
It works by winding up the spring ( which will pull the cord back after it has started) and pulls the rope back in … the spring and the rope have working capabilities. They work together !
Anyway most manuals have this info,
So asking for a manual firstly and or then saying I don’t understand it etc.. goes a bit further than just wanting answers and then crying it didn’t work/ asking the same questions again .
So Sometimes trying to figure it out yourself , ie reading the manual then asking goes further
Btw this is mho.
And also
Somthing for you to get your head around for another day and a slightly different starting mechanism.
! How does those easy start thing work. Ie you wind up a spring and no compression untill at the end and the saw/trimmer then fires !
How does it actually work .. it’s simple engineering but as with most things it has tobe right