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Thinking About Buying a Husqvarna 3120


Active OPE Member
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4:16 PM
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Jan 10, 2024
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I've been thinking about buying a 3120 to use with my Granberg mill as a dedicated power source. I'm currently using a 395, and I like it for regular cutting but I can't when it's tied up on the mill. Also, the 395 chain tensioner is a real pain in the neck. It's bad enough when not in the mill, but when in the mill, it's just about impossible to get to. I understand that the 3120 has a tensioner on the outside of the bar making for easier access. I have other saws that are better suited for firewood, etc. and this would be more in the realm of toy/hobby than something I'm going to try to make money with.
I also like that the 3120 has an adjunct oiler.

I'm curious how the current production saws compare with the ones from years past. I've done quite a lot of reading and understand some of the changes that were made such as a limited coil, non-adjustable high jetting in the carb, etc., all of which can be remedied. I've seen a few older saws offered for sale here and there, but I'm somewhat nervous about getting such an expensive saw used. I'll roll the dice on the smaller saws I like, but even a cheap used 3120 is going to be $6-700 and I don't want to buy someone else's problems.

The other thing that's making me think now is a good time to get one is the fact that I keep hearing that they are going to discontinue this model, probably sooner than later, and if I ever want a new one, this is the time.

Before someone says it, I'm not interested in a Stihl 881. :)

I would be interested in other's opinions and experience with the 3120 new vs past models.


Here's a random photo I found on the internet:

View attachment 394000


Active OPE Member
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4:16 PM
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Jan 10, 2024
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I have an old version 3120 that we used on the Granberg style mill...found it worked great, though I don't remember any issues with the chain tensioner. I did find that the bigger the saw the better...that and ripping chain...kept sharp
Side Note; Years back, I didn't want to run such an expensive saw for a mill...so I put the word out to all the pawn shops (pre-ebay/craigs list), asking them to let me know when a BIG saw came in the door. The 'old' timers we're retiring and the new generation has better saw choices than using a gigantic McCulloch or some such. Often got them for less that $50.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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6:16 PM
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Dec 16, 2016
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Wichita KS
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Bout the only modification needed, was heat on the carb, to prevent icing. Hose kit from napa and a big fkn drill bit to Swiss cheese both the filter cover and the engine cover:

Nice old Echos! I'd like to find a 1201.