My wood grows soft, as we speak, under the weight of all this bullsh... er... awesomeness. Are you saying that a ported little Miss KrispyKremesicle II will inspire dreams of hardwood and beat, burnt bodies, veins in my teeth and ripping through fresh, young meat with a 20" Sugihara and full chisel chain? I would hate to invest heavily in new talent that falls short of such lofty aspirations as 70cc balls and unbeatable performance in those tiny sub-25" sticks you see guys cutting up with $15 garage sale Poulans. Are we talking hardwood dazzle, or forumspeak bamboozle? I want a long term love affair with a serious chainsaw, not a $5 truckstop quickie with a plastic pump-up from the Redmax District. Should I be calling my Stihl guy, telling him that I have it on good authority that there is true awesomeness to be had from the pages of his catalog?