Need some help:
Buddy dropped off his 550XP to me to look at. Said it won’t run.. I can get it to “pop” on first pull with choke. Shut choke off and it won’t even try to start.. Muffler is now wet. Hold throttle open and pull a dozen times and it’ll “chug” for a few pull then finally take off - and it takes a few seconds to clear the extra fuel of course, but after that it screams and runs smooth on the throttle. As soon as I let the throttle down to idle the saw, it floods and dies. Usually hard enough that I cannot restart it for a while, even with the throttle open.. I’m new to these AutoTune saws - am I able to repair this at home? Or does this need to go to a Husqvarna dealer (we don’t have any locally)?? Any info appreciated..