While I posted about this saw elsewhere here, thought I'd talk a little more in depth about the build. Used an old parts saw cases and crankshaft to get this build started, pretty much scrounged every last part right down to the last screw not leaving anything it would have came with out. Should be easy, I've all I need right here(enter laughter), why my brain enters parts into inventory but never checks them out, I'll never know, but that's another story. A pair of Cross bearings were installed with a set of Hyway seals. A FarmerTec cylinder with the exhaust port polished, that was a very exceptional specimen was chosen as a decompression valve was desired. It went on with no base gasket and Three Bond keeping things sealed up left the squish at .028", not ideal but darn close. Old flywheel was used and advanced .020". old oil pump and clutch were used with an Oregon drum and sprocket, HL Supply brake covering them up. Old tank handle new FarmerTec front handle, top cover and starter with the rope replaced with Stens professional. A Raisman muffler was modified with a second outlet and baffle changed. A after market carb was decided on as I did not trust the HS's that I have left, so I changed the inlet lever spring with a real Tillotson one to keep things like they should be. Rounding out the build whatever rubber and small parts needed were straight from Husqvarna. Once primed I was anxious to see what was to be with this new creation, after springing to life for the first time I could tell by the sound there was something good going on here. After getting the carb set in a piece of wood, I really did have a nice saw here, much much nicer than my own saw with an original Mahle cylinder also set up the same. I would be willing to wager she'll beat up on a stock 372 pretty good. One thing I wish I had done in hindsight is check the timing numbers to see what was so different about this cylinder. Maybe if it returns for a check up some day I can do that but for now it's gone for its new owner to cut with. Surely this rig would benefit from the ports being widened a bit, maybe another day when the operator is ready for that sort of thing. So for now I'm quite happy with the outcome and goes to show with just a little bit of know how and a little more of can do, good results are obtainable from a thirty year old pile of parts and some new ones thrown in the mix. SS
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