the only "that guy" i have ran into was an idiot that i met a while back that insisted that i trim his neighbours tree out of his electrical service lines.i do mow his neighbours yard and whatever else they need me to.
i told him that i wouldn't touch it because there were some limbs in the main power lines and insisted that i cut it and the power company told him that the electricity would go straight to the roots.

*pretty boy i work as an electrician!
fast forward to waterline freezing season.he called me one day when i was on the side of a mountain and said that the pump on the shared well had torn up.

i told him to open up the faucets in case it is frozen.i march my ass up the mountain,get in the truck to go check the pressure switch.........1/2 mile up the road and he calls back and says it mysteriously starts running again.

fast forward to the next cold below zero day and guess what?yeap numb nuts calls me again.this time he asks if i could change the ps because he don't know how.sure i go get a switch and he stands and tells me i'm wireing it wrong.

by this time i was about ready to jump up and start cussing him.but i politely told him there was a right way and a wrong way and if i hooked it his way i would be going and buying a new ps.

about the time i was going to hand him a bill for $100 he said "turn it in to the home owner"

Jesus H Christ! Late Winter,I'm logging or doing whatever to buy gas and eat a hamburger every now and then.i waste $20 in gas to fix your water thats workin perfectly if you would get off your sleazy ron jeremy wanna be ass and insulate your pipes!

next mornin............. at the old ladys house.enjoying a cup of coffee and the wood stove before i crawled back in the woods.yes it was just above rang,mofo told me the pressure switch quit again.

on the way to get another friggin $30 ps and a trip to give him one hell of a raking his wife called and said he got the water thawed.i hate that human.