New OPE Member

First, let me start with saying I'm not a mechanic, just a weekend warrior. My old reliable 311 has ran perfect for years until lately. Now it starts and runs if I continually feather the throttle but will die immediately at idle. I have tried taking the carb apart a few times and cleaning it. I purchased and installed a carb repair kit (needle, gaskets, etc.) with the same end result. I was told that a hole in the fuel line can be the issue so I replaced both the line and the filter. No change, runs fine but won't idle.
A buddy of mine said to adjust the LA screw in. I tried that and it will now run for a few seconds before stalling.
Could I have missed something while cleaning? I do not have an ultrasonic cleaner. I tried using carb cleaner and light air to clean the passages. Which one is for the idle?
Also, what is the initial setting for the LA screw? I can find all kinds of data on the L&H screws but not the LA or idle screw.
Thank you.
A buddy of mine said to adjust the LA screw in. I tried that and it will now run for a few seconds before stalling.
Could I have missed something while cleaning? I do not have an ultrasonic cleaner. I tried using carb cleaner and light air to clean the passages. Which one is for the idle?
Also, what is the initial setting for the LA screw? I can find all kinds of data on the L&H screws but not the LA or idle screw.
Thank you.