Exhaust side failures are usually caused from a lean condition, operator error here.
lesson to be learned here...
since too lean is detrimental to chainsaw piston life... maybe check that H setting more often. each tank full, at least the slot's position? the mixture adjustments can vibrate inward... my 019T started acting like an unfriendly cousin... I wasn't happy!
so, started the research... finally got into the LA, L and H... etc... tweaked the L and the LA... and got it back on course... then H. now once running will sit there and idle with chain just creeping...
pop-pop-pop! with an
"Let's get this show on the road!" attitude... and throttle response is crisp up to cutting rpm... each to his own, but I never run my saws on a steady WOT when cutting... oh sure WOT but I momentarily lighten cutting load and back off, just to change rpm, let piston cool bit, cyl oil up, skirts oil up... then back to work... etc. I was taught this procedure by my Dad at a young age... he was a well-trained very experience engine mechanic... A&P type... and was an air-cooled engine specialist... very mechanically inclined! not saying it's gospel, just sharing what I do.
darn!, guess I will loose the chainsaw race! lol
too lean hurts: I picked up my 044 from an owner/operator/arborist... used it every day. day after day! over two years he owned it! ran fine. one day all day, fine. next morning on the job 15 mins and stopped. had no idea what was wrong with it, and sold it. I got it next day still with full tanks of fresh fuel and oil for chain/bar... back at shop, when I got the muffler off, i could see he had scored bad the piston exh side and stuck the rings hard! that saw had had it. lol... no doubt he had not checked H lately, and it leaned out on him and in the excitement and noise of running hard... Murphy showed up! as I got into it, was relieved the cyl looked very serviceable once cleaned up... speaks very well for Nikasil - but alas, not so the piston and rings!
this 044 piston has seen better days!
rings on exh side stuck hard!
intake side; rings still loose in lands...
and the winner is!: