Lot of things that could be causing that. First thing as Mark has said don't use carb cleaner if it will not
fire with your standard fuel mix theres a problem. You have not said in your thread if you have spark.
Three things a 2 stroke need is spark, fuel and air with out that there is not much chance. Check for spark
if you already haven't and if there is not pull a wure of the switch and see then if there is spark.
If so it should fire. Take the direct root with priming and take the plug out and straight in the hole.
To me it sounds like a spark problem. I am a wee bit at a loss with your thread is it firing when you
spray the carb cleaner in or not at all. If so was the carby new or secondhand or what. If secondhand there
maybe a need for a rebuild on that as well. As I most always put in my threads pull the fuel line out
of the tank pull the filter of the end and if you have a Mityvac 8500 pressure tester plug it
straight in where the filter was. Put 5 pounds or so of pressure in and it should hold that pressure.
If not you either have a leak somewhere in your carb. By doing it that way also checks your fuel lines
which should be okay as you have replaced but you never know.
But as a lot of these guys on OPE will also tell you there is a lot of things that will cause a 2 stroke to not
want to run.
Good luck and and will be a bit of trial and error, just try to eliminate things one by one and sooner or later
the problem should pop up.