Who knows? Personally I enjoy a good wholesome derailment.
I must admit to being extremely stressed out at the moment though.
I'm not sure what's up with my daughter's health, she can't get in to see a cardiologist for a few weeks. Her BP is way too high.....and the GP she sees doesn't want to be responsible for giving her BP meds. That has me pretty freaked out......hell she's just had a couple of heart attacks and the doctors are being less than helpful.
I'm gonna just try to chill the hell out so I don't make things worse here on the site.
Jonathon, Blake and I did manage to get the cows on good grass though. We finished a fencing project that gave them 54 more acres. That helped my stress level some for sure.
Oh.......small saw. Get a MS241 and forget the rest. Solid, dependable unit that is lite and powerful.