Axes are a hobby of mine. Let's see what ya got.
Dear bryan2 , it's an addiction, do you have any Sagers, norland, there are more. Some people have collected, stamps, coins, paper money, guns, chainsaws, oil cans, cars, vintage ammunition , vintage medicine bottles, oh yea vintage colognes, and perfume. There is more, go to antiques show. Baby chairs, baby beds , old scales, old coke boxes, oh another coke bottles. Would buy a little 6.1/2 oz. coke and see name of the city furthest away or closest to you , on the name on the bottom of the little coke bottle, that's history trying to find those , much less your city, when your growing up in 50 ,60 ,70,.
I got one another run.
Thanks Buck, in this tarheel town.