Just a few old Evinrudes that I saved.from the scrap yard over the last 50 years.Tell us about the outboards,,,,,,,????
Tell us about the outboards,,,,,,,????
Just a few old Evinrudes that I saved.from the scrap yard over the last 50 years.
My very first one was a 7½hp 1958 that had a Welch plug rusted out got it for free when I was 12 if I remember.
The oldest is a 1938 opposed cylinder 3½hp Alto, the newest is a 1973 6½hp. All run.
I also have 4 little Muncie Gear 1½hp Neptune Mighty Mite's 2 of which run.
and a 2.5hp Mercury that runs.
Like I said earlier it's just a Bad Addiction
These Wasn't taken today LOL, They were taken in 1945 & 1989, first picture on the left is my dad and to his right is his buddy, this was on the Navy Ship LCi606i during WWII.
I found these going through my wife's stuff and some pictures.
The picture on the right is also my dad taken on Dec 17th 1989 holding our 2 month old baby daughter Aerial 5 days before she passed away.
There were 5 boys in dads family and 4 girls, all 5 boys got drafted into WWII with 4 going into the Army and my dad into the Navy.
2 of the boys were prisoners of war and all 5 somehow made it home in better than average health. 2 brother's plus my day were wounded in battles and all recovered to live full lives 3 into their mid 90's.
Sorry it's not Chainsaw related.
Opossums and raccoons tend to get into the lines on my parents place. They live on a dead end road and the line ends at the cattle corral. It tends to pop the fuse where it comes off the main line, so it is an easy fix to turn back on.