Hi All,
Sorry for slow reply. Lee H, sorry but I've just the cover on the 390, which, along with the 370 will be flying up to BC with me in about 10 hrs and both going to a collector in Yukon. Been up late last night trying to clean these things up hoping Canadian customs allows them through. Found a few NOS 390 gems (to me at least) in the boxes, photos below. Also a new flywheel. Am amazed how much magnesium is in the old saws.
The NOS stuff is going to the same collector, so if he decided he can spare some parts, at least they are a bit closer to you good fellows than here in NZ.
Back in the day, they must have blown through rings pretty fast to need a whole box of them.
Still available are two boxes of PM parts, a PM powerhead, I'm not sure what, haven't had time to investigate, and all the pioneers. I'll be away for a few weeks so may take a while to get back to anyone, but dead keen to get any of these parts away to someone who can use them. No cost on the parts, just the freight, whatever that ends up being. The way I figure it, JJ paid enough to cover all the saws a few years ago so it's his fault I'm giving them away and keen to see them go.
BTW, did I mention this is great fun? Addictive even. If any of you are looking on ebay.com.au or here in NZ the best site is trademe.co.nz and see an old saw/s you want, I'm happy to grab 'em for you. Here in NZ at least it's a bit hit and miss because the auctions get taken down pretty quick because it is illegal to sell saws without chain brakes.