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Opinions on the "newest" model ms261/ms261cm and the husky 550 please help!!!


Here For The Long Haul!
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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I haven't touched it.
wiggs did the muff mod, and it runs great at 100 psi!

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Runs great at 100 o_O, that's pretty low. The best low compression saw I've had was a 254xp that was at 148, fun little saw.
Man I think I heard that saw say, give me more, give me more!!!!....sounds good!!!!
Your funny, did you hear my boy in the first video, he's screaming because it's too loud(where's your ears boy).
Here's the 254xp doing a bore cut. I did the video because we were talking about cutting dirty wood/skidded wood and how to keep your chain sharp longer. Not sure it shows, but plunge under the mud on top the back/top bar up out of it to keep the mud from pulling through the cut.


Here For The Long Haul!
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Jun 25, 2016
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Oh, @chipper1 i forgot to tell you, I got that cherry little 024 av I got for $40 going, and she runs great!!!!

I think I got $80-$100 in her total...I cut down and bucked up a crab apple tree for $50 using just the 024, so she basically paid for herself LOL....

I tell ya I was shocked at the way the 024 runs the 16" .325 bar....i buried the bar numerous time in that flowering crabapple that was dry and fairly hard, the saw took it in stride....

I will grab a few pics when I get home of the saw, it's very clean and no doubt a low hour saw....it grew on me ALOT that first time I actually put her to work....
I think you mentioned that in the chain/grinder thread ;).
But I do enjoy pictures :D.


Mastermind Approved!
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Runs great at 100 o_O, that's pretty low. The best low compression saw I've had was a 254xp that was at 148, fun little saw.

Your funny, did you hear my boy in the first video, he's screaming because it's too loud(where's your ears boy).
Here's the 254xp doing a bore cut. I did the video because we were talking about cutting dirty wood/skidded wood and how to keep your chain sharp longer. Not sure it shows, but plunge under the mud on top the back/top bar up out of it to keep the mud from pulling through the cut.

Yeah... it's kind of weird... I don't quite understand how???

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Here For The Long Haul!
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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Yeah... it's kind of weird... I don't quite understand how???

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Me either unless you are in the mountains up real high lol.
Is that a gauge you have used on other saws, or did you check it at someone else's house.
That gauge may have the valve(or whatever its called) up farther in the part that screws in or if using an adapter most automotive gauges the valve will be on the main portion causing the overall size of the combustion chamber to be larger and yielding a lower compression reading. Many times you see this on the 550 to bring this back around to the original thread, well sort of.
I'm saying this for others benefit figuring this is knowledge you already have, but now and then we overlook something simple, at least I do lol.


Mastermind Approved!
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Jan 2, 2016
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Norwich, CT
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Me either unless you are in the mountains up real high lol.
Is that a gauge you have used on other saws, or did you check it at someone else's house.
That gauge may have the valve(or whatever its called) up farther in the part that screws in or if using an adapter most automotive gauges the valve will be on the main portion causing the overall size of the combustion chamber to be larger and yielding a lower compression reading. Many times you see this on the 550 to bring this back around to the original thread, well sort of.
I'm saying this for others benefit figuring this is knowledge you already have, but now and then we overlook something simple, at least I do lol.

2 different known good gauges, 100' above sea level.

350's are known for low compression, they have a dished piston. I just am amazed at how strong it is like this!

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Mastermind Approved!
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Feb 5, 2016
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grafton wv
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so has anyone decided on what saw to buy yet or is this another oil thread and pissing match ?

Locust Cutter

Air Force Redneck
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Jan 3, 2016
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From another thread.

What's up buddy.
I saw your thread and was going to respond there(and decide to move it there :)). No definitely no the mtronic turning me off, I really enjoyed my 441cm, and have the 241cm as well, and am looking forward to the 462(hopefully in a cm model). I got the saw thinking I would be replacing my 346 saws as well as one of the 241's, but after running a few tanks through it I was unimpressed. It had more power than 346's(stock or MM only) in the higher rpms and more torque in the low to mid rpms(the 353's/2152's have good torque for what you pay) , sold right. No, then the deal breaker I've had 550's and ran others as well and the 261 didn't feel lighter than any of them and didn't have the power of the 550, so I sold it right away.
I didn't take the handling into consideration as I cut teeth on a 346 so I feel a little biased towards them, but I go back and forth between husky and stihl on a normal basis and I prefer the handling of the huskies. I'm also only 5'8" and feel with my stature is part of why I like the 346/2153 and the 353/2152. The 550 has a very similar feel to those saws.
For the cost I might as well buy a 2152/353 grab a 346 cylinder and have it ported and have a great little screamer, or if you want it to be a bit quieter then get a 550.

The 241 is so close to the 025/250 in specs it's kind of funny. Similar to the 450 rancher and the 353/2152. The main difference is the quality of build ease of working on them and how much you can build them. I say this part knowing you enjoy running your little plastic saw. I have a 450 rancher I run on a pretty normal basis, great little plastic saws. Also a buddy just finished an 025 and he wanted to grab up one of the 241's from me and he said he thought his 025 had more power. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this paragraph but I try hard not to be biased based on the pro designation or what everyone else says.
Also a coulpe post ago you said you sold your 362, I had one of the earlier ones and it was the most disappointing pro saw I've ran.
For you if you can get a deal on those 550's go for it, if you can't with having the dealer support you have down there go with the 261 or a 241. Even saying that you should really get your hands on them all and cut in the wood you cut in with them.
I just buy them all and sell the ones I like the least,
Hope this helps someone.

I will say the the 261OE in my barn, took about 12 tanks of fuel to wake up. It's was pretty gutless until about tank 9. Somewhere around tank 20 or so, I trimmed the tabs, modded the muffler and tuned it properly and it found another gear. It's a fine saw that has served VERY well. I just like the 346 and 550xp better. A 545 would also be a good option for the $$$. They don't have the "Rev-boost" feature IIRC, but otherwise they're very similar and cheaper. If you also concerned about initial investment price, go get an Echo CS-490P, 500P or 501 P and use it. Then send it off for a massage and you'll have a good saw that runs very well and not be much more, if any, into it than a fire-sale price on a Husky or Stihl Pro saw. A good deal on a Dolmar 5105 should also be considered heavily. All are viable and good choices. I just like the Husky better for my dollars.

Then again seeing what they can do, a ported CS-490P might make a hell of a spare/truck saw that will hang with a built 346.


Here For The Long Haul!
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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I will say the the 261OE in my barn, took about 12 tanks of fuel to wake up. It's was pretty gutless until about tank 9. Somewhere around tank 20 or so, I trimmed the tabs, modded the muffler and tuned it properly and it found another gear. It's a fine saw that has served VERY well. I just like the 346 and 550xp better. A 545 would also be a good option for the $$$. They don't have the "Rev-boost" feature IIRC, but otherwise they're very similar and cheaper. If you also concerned about initial investment price, go get an Echo CS-490P, 500P or 501 P and use it. Then send it off for a massage and you'll have a good saw that runs very well and not be much more, if any, into it than a fire-sale price on a Husky or Stihl Pro saw. A good deal on a Dolmar 5105 should also be considered heavily. All are viable and good choices. I just like the Husky better for my dollars.

Then again seeing what they can do, a ported CS-490P might make a hell of a spare/truck saw that will hang with a built 346.
I agree, this one had already been ran in. Yes the 545 is also a great value as is the 555 which is one of my favorite little saws with a 64dl B&C, but thats a little jump in weight, and even more weight if you get the newest version.
I have nothing to offer on the traits of a little ported echo.
I like your avatar, my PE aldermen t5 looks just like it right now except I have the cook top open with a pot of water on it :).


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Apr 20, 2016
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so has anyone decided on what saw to buy yet or is this another oil thread and pissing match ?
Hello sir, if you are referring to me, yes I have....i maybe getting a good deal on a 550 that needs some TLC...will definitely let everyone know what I think of it when she is done....

I know it seems people get angry when people get off topic, and I do understand that....but guys with all do respect here, this is a chainsaw forum, how many, many, many times does a home owner come to a site asking about a ms170, and by the 10th post he is being told to get 372/440......

It's the Internet guys, relax it's all good!!!!


The clean beaver gets the wood
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I have an old edition 261 non mtronic, has limiters trimmed and muffler mod.
It's the most reliable saw I own and cuts very well with 18" 3/8 .050 full chisel chain. Yes, 3/8 in hardwood.
It's the one saw I could do everything with if I had to. I did own an mtronic version for a short time, and I did not like it at all. Never ran the same way each time I used it. If I wasn't used to my other one, I might have thought it was great, but just didn't like the way it ran.

Locust Cutter

Air Force Redneck
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Mine sports a 16" .050 x 3/8" and is routinely used for Hedge, Locust, Oak, etc. It pull amazingly well and you can lean on it if needed, but I try not to for the crank bearings' sake.

KiwiBro (deleted)

Pinnacle OPE Member
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Feb 19, 2016
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Promised myself I wouldn't be one of those ass kissing, hero-worshipping, train jumping, bobble head fanboys that sing the praises of every dog turd saw or builder that happens to be flavour of the month. Wanted to get a fair amount of time with the MMWS 261 v2 before even really commenting in any significant way. With that rhetoric out of the way, I'm gonna be an arse kissing, hero-worshipping bobble head fanboy, because this wee saw farking rips and snarls like a little saw has no place doing.

So good is this saw that my original ponderings about whether I would want to keep my beloved 241 or perhaps sell the 7900 instead have proven unfounded, because now I see farkall reason to own either (other than they don't owe me allot, probably less than I would get for 'em) and will be flicking them off shortly. This wee saw has made my 7900 feel like an inbetweener, and I'll soon be back to a 2-saw plan (261 and 395).

The 241 was hard to beat but this 261 is a step above it for sure, in every way except that the 241 is ever so slightly lighter and easier to throw around (or better sideways balance :) ), and sips fuel.

Only disclaimer I can think of is I have not run a MMWS241, nor many 60cc saws to compare, and only have my 241, a 310, 7900, 395 to gauge where this saw fits in the overall scheme of things. Crazy to think I'll be back to two saws (+ the 310 as a back-up general saw) and happy with that. didn't expect the 261 to be this good. I mean, Randy is good but it's not like the guy's saws cure cancer or anything.


Here For The Long Haul!
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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Promised myself I wouldn't be one of those ass kissing, hero-worshipping, train jumping, bobble head fanboys that sing the praises of every dog turd saw or builder that happens to be flavour of the month. Wanted to get a fair amount of time with the MMWS 261 v2 before even really commenting in any significant way. With that rhetoric out of the way, I'm gonna be an arse kissing, hero-worshipping bobble head fanboy, because this wee saw farking rips and snarls like a little saw has no place doing.

So good is this saw that my original ponderings about whether I would want to keep my beloved 241 or perhaps sell the 7900 instead have proven unfounded, because now I see farkall reason to own either (other than they don't owe me allot, probably less than I would get for 'em) and will be flicking them off shortly. This wee saw has made my 7900 feel like an inbetweener, and I'll soon be back to a 2-saw plan (261 and 395).

The 241 was hard to beat but this 261 is a step above it for sure, in every way except that the 241 is ever so slightly lighter and easier to throw around (or better sideways balance :) ), and sips fuel.

Only disclaimer I can think of is I have not run a MMWS241, nor many 60cc saws to compare, and only have my 241, a 310, 7900, 395 to gauge where this saw fits in the overall scheme of things. Crazy to think I'll be back to two saws (+ the 310 as a back-up general saw) and happy with that. didn't expect the 261 to be this good. I mean, Randy is good but it's not like the guy's saws cure cancer or anything.
The bandwagon your on is not the standard bandwagon, and I'm sure is more worthy of praise than a stock 261 old version or new :).
Sounds like a fun saw.
Curious if you've ran a 346 or a 550 as far as handling goes.

KiwiBro (deleted)

Pinnacle OPE Member
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Feb 19, 2016
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New Zealand
The 346 feels to me allot like the 241, with the latter just a seemingly lighter handling version of the 346 in terms of handling. My sisters partner just bought a "5-something with a 20" blade" (he's not a chainsaw enthusiast). So, with any luck, it's something worth comparing next to the MMWS 261 v2 when I get the chance.


Here For The Long Haul!
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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The 346 feels to me allot like the 241, with the latter just a seemingly lighter handling version of the 346 in terms of handling. My sisters partner just bought a "5-something with a 20" blade" (he's not a chainsaw enthusiast). So, with any luck, it's something worth comparing next to the MMWS 261 v2 when I get the chance.
Thanks Kiwi.
I think they feel pretty different, I really enjoy the handling of the 346, but the 241 feels a bit lighter(I think the small bar and chain plays a big part in that.
I'm not thinking the 5 series will compare unless it's a 562/560, but then it will weigh more, especially if it's the updated version.

KiwiBro (deleted)

Pinnacle OPE Member
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Feb 19, 2016
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New Zealand
Interesting they feel different other than weight to you. They seemed to move around their axis about the same way, to me, with the 241 being easier but a similar kind of feel. For example, when limbing a dropped tree, they seemed to flip around from one side of the trunk to the other in a similar way. Sorry, can't really describe it. Different from my other saws. But I only had the chance to compare the 346 to my 241. This was before the 261 came along.


Here For The Long Haul!
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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Interesting they feel different other than weight to you. They seemed to move around their axis about the same way, to me, with the 241 being easier but a similar kind of feel. For example, when limbing a dropped tree, they seemed to flip around from one side of the trunk to the other in a similar way. Sorry, can't really describe it. Different from my other saws. But I only had the chance to compare the 346 to my 241. This was before the 261 came along.
Very different to me, I like the 346 much better, I need to run them side by side to figure out just why though(pretty sure it's the handle for starters).
I ran my 241's today in a few pines for a removal job, and they did a great job, but I really would have liked the 346 for limbing them as there were a lot of branches on them :eek:. But I'd rather not get pine pitch on my huskys :biggrin:.


Here For The Long Haul!
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7:24 AM
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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I normally run 18" 325 on the huskys(for reach, I'm not burying it as I have other saws for larger wood), and the 16" 3/8 picco on the 241's.
I prefer the picco chain over 325.