From another thread.
What's up buddy.
I saw your thread and was going to respond there(and decide to move it there

). No definitely no the mtronic turning me off, I really enjoyed my 441cm, and have the 241cm as well, and am looking forward to the 462(hopefully in a cm model). I got the saw thinking I would be replacing my 346 saws as well as one of the 241's, but after running a few tanks through it I was unimpressed. It had more power than 346's(stock or MM only) in the higher rpms and more torque in the low to mid rpms(the 353's/2152's have good torque for what you pay) , sold right. No, then the deal breaker I've had 550's and ran others as well and the 261 didn't feel lighter than any of them and didn't have the power of the 550, so I sold it right away.
I didn't take the handling into consideration as I cut teeth on a 346 so I feel a little biased towards them, but I go back and forth between husky and stihl on a normal basis and I prefer the handling of the huskies. I'm also only 5'8" and feel with my stature is part of why I like the 346/2153 and the 353/2152. The 550 has a very similar feel to those saws.
For the cost I might as well buy a 2152/353 grab a 346 cylinder and have it ported and have a great little screamer, or if you want it to be a bit quieter then get a 550.
The 241 is so close to the 025/250 in specs it's kind of funny. Similar to the 450 rancher and the 353/2152. The main difference is the quality of build ease of working on them and how much you can build them. I say this part knowing you enjoy running your little plastic saw. I have a 450 rancher I run on a pretty normal basis, great little plastic saws. Also a buddy just finished an 025 and he wanted to grab up one of the 241's from me and he said he thought his 025 had more power. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this paragraph but I try hard not to be biased based on the pro designation or what everyone else says.
Also a coulpe post ago you said you sold your 362, I had one of the earlier ones and it was the most disappointing pro saw I've ran.
For you if you can get a deal on those 550's go for it, if you can't with having the dealer support you have down there go with the 261 or a 241. Even saying that you should really get your hands on them all and cut in the wood you cut in with them.
I just buy them all and sell the ones I like the least,
Hope this helps someone.