Alright upholstery/vehicle interior guru's, here's what I've got...
...the colored liner material on my headboard, same colored material that wraps the visors, is coming loose in two spots, just left and right of center/rear view mirror area, where my headboard meets the top of the windshield. The areas are a couple of inches wide in both places, doesn't hang down to make anything look unsightly, etc and I can usually just reach up and press it back in place, and it'll stay for a day or two...then it wants to kinda creep down again. What sorta adhesive, even if in spray (I can spray it in a cup until it liquefies, then dab a little on with q-tips), to get this headboard liner material re-stuck to the headboard in these areas? I want something obviously that'll dry clear and not be unsightly.
And go...