Evening saw sniffers. Had a decent day of getting some things done around here. Then helped my wife make dinner for a friend that was just diagnosed with cancer. Apparently it’s in several locations including brain and lungs. The lungs and coughing is what caused them to find it on a chest Xray then is spiraled from there from what I gather. He’s one of county SO detectives and has never failed to back me up out here when needed, even if he was off duty. He is also on our VFD crew and he’s helped on a few wildfires and crashed we’ve had out here. Hopefully he can beat it, but honestly, it’s not looking very promising. We took food for him and his family and he wasn’t able to talk much before he was out of breath. He isn’t married, and does t have anyone family real close by. His brothers live about an hour away. Keep him in your prayers. Night slackers!