I thought I should have replied to you sooner than I am now .
hopefully to just give you a clearer idea of what went on with my friend.
He had blood in his pee, thought it was a kidney stone or something. As it was only cherry red in the afternoon.
Do. Got him to pee in a cup, it wasn’t cherry red and the test strip showed a high amount of blood in int ( even tho it was jast yellow colour wee to the eye).
He was then booked up for a camera up the horse eye to view everything on its way into his bladder.
He had a few polyps in the bladder that were noted for the problem of the blood in his pee. [(here are 1or2 vids on YouTube that I looked at so I could get an idea of what went on)
He was then referred for a follow up to burn these off.
This was done and those burnt bits were collected and checked for the C cells and how far those cell were down the polyps.
He was lucky it was only in the ends , not all the way down. He said it would have been a different story if it had got into the bladder wall.!!
He had a few follow ups and the usual procedures, you can look it up . Ie filled his bladder up with a chemotherapy solution, and that made him feel like crap for w week or so.
Anyway you won’t know anything for a bit of time yet and that’s after a few procedures and test results .
on a different note (hole) . I have another friend who had a Bowel test (blood in poo) which came back positive. I’ve got to take him to the hospital on the 12th feb ( his wife don’t drive).
I,m not sure what he’s been told just yet , as he’s just had the appointment about what they will do.
However from what I understand, the day before, drink the medicine that makes his ãss open up and everything comes out. this lasts for hrs and then you take some more medicine to make sure nothing is left in there.
They then put you under a general anaesthetic and put that camera in . & have a good look around that very long tunnel.
Depending on what they see / find depends on what they will do . That’s all I know because.
I have another friend ( woman) who has had a similar problem and didn’t have the general anaesthetic and watched the camera on the screen having a good look.
She said it was really uncomfortable at times. Anyway they didn’t find anything untoward in the end.
And that’s why I said to my mate,
you do want the General anaesthetic and I will drive you there and back. So don’t go thinking anything else…
So hopefully you can understand there are many of these procedures done every day and a lot of these are easy problems to correct