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Not So Pro 3


Stock Chainsaws do not suck!
Yearly GoldMember
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11:24 AM
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Oct 12, 2021
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East, TN
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Well, I clearly understand that something has been badly said on my part, even if the origin was not intended that way.

Maybe your guys have a different way of looking at politicians than I do, maybe you look up to the presidents, I mostly look down on politicians myself, we are promised a lot, and we are always the ones who pay the ultimate price for their lies.

Perhaps your guys are even more frustrated with politicians than I am, that it takes very little for something to be taken up very, very wrongly.

My opinion on tariffs, I understand very well what you guys want to achieve, and personally I don't mind at all if you Americans want it, maybe it will be good, but mostly tariffs are something that the common man will notice in his wallet.
If they took in tariffs and let the income benefit you with much lower personal taxes for workers, great plan!

Ukraine, it is primarily a European problem and we Europeans should continue to put money and weapons in the hands of the Ukrainians,
But there is much more than Ukraine, the Chinese are out pressuring their neighbors with the military, Iran is sitting around ordering assassination groups to take out Donald Trump.
If we civilized nations can't stand together and fight against this....

Today was the first time I have answered another person badly back on this forum, and I have been a member for 7-8 years.
Obviously I should have just let it go and not replied back to Dallas, that's the easiest thing.
But I didn't do that, I gave back, even though many of you surely felt that I should just turn the other cheek right from when he started personally.

Perhaps it is the case that we foreigners should guard our tongues on this forum, that it will take very little before you lose control of your temper due to everything that is happening inside the US.
If that's the case, let me know and I'll have Randy Evans delete my account ASAP.

Do I hate Dallas after today? Definitely not.
Will I have problems with him in the future? Not from my side.
Am I going to log in to see if I can somehow tease him up? No.

That's my 2 cents
Tor, stick around and continue to contribute to this site, and this thread. You bring a foreign outlook that we all need. Just as you try to understand our perspective, we also want yours. I don't want to live in an echo chamber, and love to debate ideas with others that may differ from mine. We just need to be aware that some may take things personal. I try to talk to people as I would if they were standing in front of me. There is a world of differing experiences here that we can all benefit from. As long as we respect each other we will be fine. The banter flows quite often around here, and as adults we should be able to handle any disagreements cordially. Dallas will be fine, give him room to blow off steam is my suggestion. Doesn't mean you backed down.

greystone mountain man

Here For The Long Haul!
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11:24 AM
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May 7, 2024
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Well, I clearly understand that something has been badly said on my part, even if the origin was not intended that way.

Maybe your guys have a different way of looking at politicians than I do, maybe you look up to the presidents, I mostly look down on politicians myself, we are promised a lot, and we are always the ones who pay the ultimate price for their lies.

Perhaps your guys are even more frustrated with politicians than I am, that it takes very little for something to be taken up very, very wrongly.

My opinion on tariffs, I understand very well what you guys want to achieve, and personally I don't mind at all if you Americans want it, maybe it will be good, but mostly tariffs are something that the common man will notice in his wallet.
If they took in tariffs and let the income benefit you with much lower personal taxes for workers, great plan!

Ukraine, it is primarily a European problem and we Europeans should continue to put money and weapons in the hands of the Ukrainians,
But there is much more than Ukraine, the Chinese are out pressuring their neighbors with the military, Iran is sitting around ordering assassination groups to take out Donald Trump.
If we civilized nations can't stand together and fight against this....

Today was the first time I have answered another person badly back on this forum, and I have been a member for 7-8 years.
Obviously I should have just let it go and not replied back to Dallas, that's the easiest thing.
But I didn't do that, I gave back, even though many of you surely felt that I should just turn the other cheek right from when he started personally.

Perhaps it is the case that we foreigners should guard our tongues on this forum, that it will take very little before you lose control of your temper due to everything that is happening inside the US.
If that's the case, let me know and I'll have Randy Evans delete my account ASAP.

Do I hate Dallas after today? Definitely not.
Will I have problems with him in the future? Not from my side.
Am I going to log in to see if I can somehow tease him up? No.

That's my 2 cents
I don't want you to leave the forum.i think we all need to take a step back and breath.since the election the chit has really hit the fan everywhere.i'm not going to go into details but ww3 has started with my in laws.i didn't get on here yesterday because I went to the woods to calm down from dealing with that chit.so I was 7 pages behind on here and all I read to catch up was bull chit coming from just about every body.so I'm going back to the woods this evening and taking another break.😑

Only the Tony

Hiding in the back of the class.
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Chief Cat Herder
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10:24 AM
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Dec 3, 2015
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