make him do something
what kind of work did you do for a living ?
Lots of stuff really
I was a millwright in the lumber industry for 15 years until my wife went in the service
I followed her around and did what I could in the places we lived
She had the career and I had the job
I ran a bicycle shop for a while in Arizona and then opened my own shop for a year
I was a site administrative secretary at the largest school west of the Alaska Range for years when we lived in the bush, it was a good job that I worked into from substitute teaching
After my wife transferred back into the Anchorage area I got a job as a clerk in the state court system and in a year and a half I was running the largest civil division in the entire state
I retired from that at 60 with a 20 year state pension between the school system and the court system
There were many other jobs interspaced in there as well
My dad had a real problem after she went in the service and I kind of stepped out of the traditional role but she had a plan and saw it through
She put in 25 years and retired as a full colonel
One reason we are financially ok for life
I have wrenched on my own everything all my life, my dad was a master electrician and I learned that trade at his side from probably age 10
It came in handy as a millwright