If and when you put that big of a round on, you aren't going to want to run it through your 4 way. I've ran plenty of big rounds thought mine, I always get it down to at least quarters before I start using the 4 way. While I can't say I've had a round get stuck in the 4 way before, if it doesn't get pushed all the way through, I just put another piece on, and it will put it through the 4 way. My 4 way isn't really close to the main wedge, so it's usually split in half before it touches the 4 way.They were pretty longmy concern with only 8" long wings is that if I put a 30-36" round into it I do not want the entire round to get stuck on the wedge. As for not angling the back up, I've always read that keeping it flat creates too much friction and causes the splitter to work harder. Do you disagree? This is my first 4 way wedge so I have no first hand knowledge.
Oh, and turn your welder up a bit. Doesn’t look like much penetration
If you need any advice about fitting up or welding your wings on just send me a PMYour wedge looks really nice, looks like a lot of thought went into it.
Your right about the penetration on the weld, I was not happy with it but I was also burning through the steel in a couple of other places so I had turned it down a little. I just kind of assumed that I wasn't happy with how the welds looked due to it being old steel that had a layer or rust that needed to grinded off before I could use it.
I'll be buying some new steel for the new wings, I'm leaning towards 1 inch thick as the thickness should help carry the split across the round and I think I'll go with 14" (total length, 7" each side) for the horizontal. I tend to do ok welding heavier steel so I'll give it a shot again, if I rip it apart again I will send it off to a welding shop.