this is what I think as well...
baffle in = you get the back pressure. but it holds in too much heat. Interesting thing is... unless you drill in that 1/2" hole where I have it. It's no where near as fast. I started at 1/4" hole and it got way faster and then solid, then I went to 1/2" and it got even faster yet. But only as a tri port. If you have only have the ported front cover and not that extra side port it's not good.
But if you take the baffle out, then I think you gotta get the back pressure from a solid/no port front cover. I kinda confirmed this for myself when I tried putting a opening/port on the 661 front cover...doesn't work out so well.
To me the bi port + solid/no port cover makes the most sense.
back pressure - from the solid/no port front cover
flow - equally placed and equally sized ports/holes. ...and you can go too big. 3/4-7/8" seems to be pretty nice.
screen size - the narrow weave seems to hold in too much heat as the 2nd cuts are always slower. The wide screens the cuts are much more consistent.
NOTE - I personally believe this back pressure thing is uber important only for the long bar. Seems if your doing short bar stuff you almost don't want a muffler at all... Don't quite understand it but these have been my observations.