I don't own a Hooskie chainsaw. Never did. My FIL bought one from Lowe's a long time ago, a 345e. He can no longer use it due to health issues and age. He gifted the 345e to me. I ran it a bit. Then I joined here and heard about the plastic wire tie clamp. I noticed the 345e has it and it is about 1/2 off the intake boot thingy. I stopped using the 345e.
I use Stihl chainsaws because I like them and prefer to spend my hard earned money on them. I believe in them. Most all of my Stihls are ported by the good Doctor. I like the way he does his magic. I am loyal to him! I am also very happy with all of his work. Impeccable. I prefer to use Stihl over Hooskie. Just me.
You guys use whatever you please. This is a free country. You also work hard for your money. Spend your money on whatever saw you feel best fits your needs and wants. [emoji482]
Now back to your regularly scheduled gripe session.