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Life is about relationships, not accomplishments.


Super OPE Member
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8:21 AM
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Jan 4, 2016
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CT-06804 / TN-38583
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Fellas, the following message is extracted from a daily devotional which blesses me at the beginning of each day and is in part helping me in changing the way I look at things - and act upon those things. Please stick around to read my comments at the end of this quote.

"The Bible is very clear about what really matters in life: “If you are a follower of Christ . . . all that matters is your faith that makes you love others” (Galatians 5:6 CEV).

If you don’t live a life of love, then nothing you say will matter, nothing you know will matter, nothing you believe will matter, and nothing you give will matter.

Finally, if you don’t live a life of love, nothing you accomplish will matter.

The Bible also says in 1 Corinthians 13:3, “No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love” (The Message). You can rack up an incredible list of personal achievements. You can get your picture on the cover of Fortune magazine. You can win the Nobel Peace Prize. You can have enormous accomplishments, be entrepreneur of the year, build a billion-dollar company, have incredibly great successes in your field of endeavor. But the Bible says it isn’t worth much if you don’t love. The Bible says — God says — relationships are more important than accomplishments.

Life is about relationships, not accomplishments.

It’s as simple as this: You can have the eloquence of an orator, the knowledge of a genius, the faith of a miracle worker, the generosity of a philanthropist, or the achievements of a superstar, but if you don’t have love in your heart, it is worth zero. It doesn’t count. The only thing that matters to God is this: Do you love him, and do you love other people?

One day you’re going to die, and you’re going to stand before God. When he evaluates your life, he’s not going to look at your bank account or your list of accomplishments or your grades. He won’t care about all your sports trophies. He’s not going to look at your endorsements or your resume.

God is going to evaluate your life on one basis: your relationships. He’s going to ask, “How much did you love me and other people?” That’s called the Great Commandment. Did you love God with all your heart, and did you love your neighbor as yourself?

That’s why Paul teaches us that what matters most is our faith being expressed through love (see Galatians 5:6)."

Fellas, if you haven't been "screwed over" by someone in your life, count your blessings. If you have, I encourage you to lead by example, and show how you love by forgiving that person and quietly moving on.

Although I never made a big deal about it publicly on the forum, some of you remember better than I do how I was screwed by a guy on AS who I'd trusted a pretty sweet saw to. I mean, REALLY screwed over. My rage consumed me to the point that I was ready to physically confront that person and risk losing everything that mattered to me.

I am a US ARMY combat Veteran. I have that really dark and hardened place in my head and in my heart. Still...

It would've been easy. It would've brought me satisfaction - a satisfaction that I haven't felt since those cold hard emotionless days back then. It would've ruined my life and the life of those who depended upon me and who depend upon me now. It would've likewise ruined their life, and the lives of those who depended upon him then and those who depend upon him now.

And over what, a saw worth a few hundred bucks and whatever it cost for some hot rodding work?

One good man there (and here) made the most effective difference and started the ball rolling for me to get to the point where I am now - to the point where even the name of the guy who screwed me over is gone from my memory. Seriously.

How did he do that? Simply by showing me how to Love on each other, and gave others the the opportunity to join in on that loving and healing bandwagon by donating parts or even words of sympathy and encouragement.

I've since come to know that (one good) man in a much deeper and more meaningful way, and while he doesn't know that I thank him and pray for him and his family every day, you can bet I do.

He's shown me, by sharing with me in person and with his family, there are ways of looking at the beauty in a spirit-filled life that make the greatest difference of all - to ourselves, to others, and to our Great Creator.

Despite how difficult or sometimes horrible the challenges are that are only meant to distract us from that beauty and difference.

Guys, whether you are a Believer or not, what if we considered for a moment how precious each of us is to God, and simply how we treat each other IS what matters most? Just how we love on each other, and when we've been wronged, how we forgive each other and just simply move on.

Avoid the trap brought on by bitterness, unforgiveness, and public humiliation of others.

From personal experience I'm here to tell y'all there is a MUCH better way, and I praise God for that and thank him for all those he put in my path - especially that one good man...

Guys, BE that one good man.

Grace and peace, fellas.


Lone Wolf

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
8:21 AM
User ID
Feb 14, 2016
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Fellas, the following message is extracted from a daily devotional which blesses me at the beginning of each day and is in part helping me in changing the way I look at things - and act upon those things. Please stick around to read my comments at the end of this quote.

"The Bible is very clear about what really matters in life: “If you are a follower of Christ . . . all that matters is your faith that makes you love others” (Galatians 5:6 CEV).

If you don’t live a life of love, then nothing you say will matter, nothing you know will matter, nothing you believe will matter, and nothing you give will matter.

Finally, if you don’t live a life of love, nothing you accomplish will matter.

The Bible also says in 1 Corinthians 13:3, “No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love” (The Message). You can rack up an incredible list of personal achievements. You can get your picture on the cover of Fortune magazine. You can win the Nobel Peace Prize. You can have enormous accomplishments, be entrepreneur of the year, build a billion-dollar company, have incredibly great successes in your field of endeavor. But the Bible says it isn’t worth much if you don’t love. The Bible says — God says — relationships are more important than accomplishments.

Life is about relationships, not accomplishments.

It’s as simple as this: You can have the eloquence of an orator, the knowledge of a genius, the faith of a miracle worker, the generosity of a philanthropist, or the achievements of a superstar, but if you don’t have love in your heart, it is worth zero. It doesn’t count. The only thing that matters to God is this: Do you love him, and do you love other people?

One day you’re going to die, and you’re going to stand before God. When he evaluates your life, he’s not going to look at your bank account or your list of accomplishments or your grades. He won’t care about all your sports trophies. He’s not going to look at your endorsements or your resume.

God is going to evaluate your life on one basis: your relationships. He’s going to ask, “How much did you love me and other people?” That’s called the Great Commandment. Did you love God with all your heart, and did you love your neighbor as yourself?

That’s why Paul teaches us that what matters most is our faith being expressed through love (see Galatians 5:6)."

Fellas, if you haven't been "screwed over" by someone in your life, count your blessings. If you have, I encourage you to lead by example, and show how you love by forgiving that person and quietly moving on.

Although I never made a big deal about it publicly on the forum, some of you remember better than I do how I was screwed by a guy on AS who I'd trusted a pretty sweet saw to. I mean, REALLY screwed over. My rage consumed me to the point that I was ready to physically confront that person and risk losing everything that mattered to me.

I am a US ARMY combat Veteran. I have that really dark and hardened place in my head and in my heart. Still...

It would've been easy. It would've brought me satisfaction - a satisfaction that I haven't felt since those cold hard emotionless days back then. It would've ruined my life and the life of those who depended upon me and who depend upon me now. It would've likewise ruined their life, and the lives of those who depended upon him then and those who depend upon him now.

And over what, a saw worth a few hundred bucks and whatever it cost for some hot rodding work?

One good man there (and here) made the most effective difference and started the ball rolling for me to get to the point where I am now - to the point where even the name of the guy who screwed me over is gone from my memory. Seriously.

How did he do that? Simply by showing me how to Love on each other, and gave others the the opportunity to join in on that loving and healing bandwagon by donating parts or even words of sympathy and encouragement.

I've since come to know that (one good) man in a much deeper and more meaningful way, and while he doesn't know that I thank him and pray for him and his family every day, you can bet I do.

He's shown me, by sharing with me in person and with his family, there are ways of looking at the beauty in a spirit-filled life that make the greatest difference of all - to ourselves, to others, and to our Great Creator.

Despite how difficult or sometimes horrible the challenges are that are only meant to distract us from that beauty and difference.

Guys, whether you are a Believer or not, what if we considered for a moment how precious each of us is to God, and simply how we treat each other IS what matters most? Just how we love on each other, and when we've been wronged, how we forgive each other and just simply move on.

Avoid the trap brought on by bitterness, unforgiveness, and public humiliation of others.

From personal experience I'm here to tell y'all there is a MUCH better way, and I praise God for that and thank him for all those he put in my path - especially that one good man...

Guys, BE that one good man.

Grace and peace, fellas.
