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I expected this to be a race

Definitive Dave

Piss Rev Mafia Member
Local time
6:52 PM
User ID
Dec 28, 2015
Reaction score
Central Ohio
Country flag
One of the guys, it might have been @leadfarmer, told me that Sarah had told him she came to the GTG for three reasons -
1.) run saws
2.) eat food
3.) beat Dave

So when she started to grab the chaps I asked @fordf150 which of the nice stock Makita/Dolmars he brought would be a good match to the MS261 I saw @PA Dan helping her with.
Like a dummy i went against his advice and chose the smallest saw, figuring my burly good looks and literal months of racing experience would make up for any difference in CC, and of course since I am swell guy I wanted to make it fair.

Well in cant racing you can normally feel the other person's progress, and RPMs through the wood.
I figured a nice self feeding picco chain would be competitive in my skilled hands.
Around :27 in the video when you see me look over at her, startled, that is the point where i felt her clear the bottom of the cut.

At that point I am frantic and ready to run again.
Eager to redeem myself and make a decent showing I proceed to miss-cut the beginning of the second race multiple times (:38) and again she crushed me.

Reaching deep into my inner calm I centered my Chi and prepared to vanquish my opponent through a measured, focused approach in the third race (:58).
Turns out youthful enthusiasm and a bigger saw will beat an old egotistical maniac every time.

Sarah 3, Dave 0
Backed into a corner with nowhere left to turn, I reluctantly resorted to cheating.
A race ported MS661 with custom everything and a good chain is a fair fight right?
She graciously shook my hand after my crippling humiliation. I have faith in the future of humanity.
Please nobody give her a race chain before next year's GTG.
If she beats me even when I cheat I will need therapy.

My loving wife has no sympathy whatsoever and planned to show all of her co-workers my multiple defeats from the weekend.
GTGs are really the best, did I mention how good the food was?



It's the chain...
Local time
6:52 PM
User ID
Dec 30, 2015
Reaction score
Centre County
Country flag
Dave, you missed your calling as a storyteller. When the rest of the world finds out how much fun we're having, you can be the corespondent that reports on TCN. The Chainsaw Network. You are such a gracious loser and good natured hommie! Your wife is just mean. Maybe that's why they confiscated her vee dub...

PA Dan

Mastermind Approved!
Local time
6:52 PM
User ID
Dec 28, 2015
Reaction score
White Oak PA
Country flag
You guys are too much! Dave you are incredible! So glad I got to finally meet you. Thanks for taking the time to spend racing with my daughter! In a day where kids are spending way too much time with a device in their hands or away from their family. I'm glad my kids chose to spend the day with me and a bunch of like minded chainsaw nuts! My oldest daughter is up in NY and I bet she would have been there also if she was home! That gtg will be remembered for quite a long time. That being said Sarah needs a race chain! Guess I need some cants out by the wood pile! Can't wait to do this all again!