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Husqvarna 575 questions


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Nov 24, 2021
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One of my friends just picked up a 575 husqvarna. I'm having a hard time finding info on these. Maybe I could get some help from you guys?

Did they make this saw in autotune only? Or was there regular carb versions as well?

It looks like they made the saw in .058 and .050 guage....this is maybe a stupid question, but can he run either or? Depending on if he has a matching bar? Worried about the chain sprocket compatibility. In short, can he run .058 or .050 on same sprocket?

He wants to mill. He's looking at long bars. 28 to 36. I've been trying to help him find a chart that shows what guage and drive links to use for say 28 to 36 inch.

I would think 28, skip tooth would be max for milling hardwood?

Anyway, I know thats a lot of questions. He's my best friend and I want to help.

PA Dan

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One of my friends just picked up a 575 husqvarna. I'm having a hard time finding info on these. Maybe I could get some help from you guys?

Did they make this saw in autotune only? Or was there regular carb versions as well?

It looks like they made the saw in .058 and .050 guage....this is maybe a stupid question, but can he run either or? Depending on if he has a matching bar? Worried about the chain sprocket compatibility. In short, can he run .058 or .050 on same sprocket?

He wants to mill. He's looking at long bars. 28 to 36. I've been trying to help him find a chart that shows what guage and drive links to use for say 28 to 36 inch.

I would think 28, skip tooth would be max for milling hardwood?

Anyway, I know thats a lot of questions. He's my best friend and I want to help.
@timg might be able to help...


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One of my friends just picked up a 575 husqvarna. I'm having a hard time finding info on these. Maybe I could get some help from you guys?

Did they make this saw in autotune only? Or was there regular carb versions as well?

It looks like they made the saw in .058 and .050 guage....this is maybe a stupid question, but can he run either or? Depending on if he has a matching bar? Worried about the chain sprocket compatibility. In short, can he run .058 or .050 on same sprocket?

He wants to mill. He's looking at long bars. 28 to 36. I've been trying to help him find a chart that shows what guage and drive links to use for say 28 to 36 inch.

I would think 28, skip tooth would be max for milling hardwood?

Anyway, I know thats a lot of questions. He's my best friend and I want to help.

575 should be a regular carb. 576 should be the autotune. Both got a bad rap. Honest truth I have had bunches over the last few years and I love them. Heavy? Yes. Smooth as a baby's bottom? Yes. Torque? Loads of it. High strung cookie cutter play saw? Hell no.

Some early saws had the same bearing issue that the 385's had. But I've never come across one. And heck they were trend setters for husqvarna. I mean come on look at how the new generation of saws go through bottom end bearings :confused::confused::confused:

Bottom line you will get several different opinions. I think they are a solid saw. I just got a 576xpg and if it checks out to be salvageable. I'm going to hang onto it. Still kicking myself for selling my 575xpg. Have a chance at redemption now.



Pinnacle OPE Member
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They are actually good saws if tuned properly and run a good oil/proper ratio. A bit small for milling unless you stay with smaller logs and you can run 050 or 058 just make sure the bar and chain are the same gauge. Your drive sprocket on the saw will do either.

Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk


Pinnacle OPE Member
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From my opinions 575 is a good saw solid dependable. Have pretty good power maybe a touch underpowered for milling large logs but in my opinion if you go slow and keep it tuned rich should be just fine for milling some.


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Do a muffler mod it greatly reduces the heat build up. They have a real baffled up muffler from the factory that does them no favors. Still the smoothest saws I've ever used .


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The 575, most that I have seen have the blue rev limited coil and a normal carb. As stated I believe it is the 576 that is auto tune. They have a grey coil and different carb. Some 576 are not auto tune. Other than that and how the transfers blend into the case they are very similar.

The 575 has a sealed bearing and a 6202 bearing. The sealed bearing is the same on 346. They are like $40 to replace.

The earliest 575 seemed to have some bearing issues or case spec issues and spun bearings in cases. That is what they got a bad rap for.

Your drive sprocket determines what pitch of chain you run .325, 3/8, or .404.
Your bar determines you gauge .50, .58, .63.
You can run smaller chain in a bigger bar .50 in .63 but it doesn’t do well. It is sloppy but you can’t do the reverse.63 in .50.

As others have said it is a very smooth saw that really balances out nice with a 24 or 28” bar. Smaller bars and the power head seems too large.

I would say it is not an ideal milling saw. It has a little different power band more of a felling or bucking saw. It does have enough power and has good filtration.


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Tugg above gets it and I agree with what has been said about this series. Although the 576 can be either a regular carb or autotune for sure. And yes the autotune uses a grey coil only. 32" is a stretch for this saw unless ported. Pressure/vac. testing can be a challenge when assembled without the block off ass. from Husky. Milling saw, doubt it but excellent felling bucking saw and very underated. Alot of interchangeable coils and max. RPM's as long as you use the larger chassis series. @Spike60 has a good thread on these which I refer to. The outboard pto bearing/seal ass. is proprietary and more like $50-60 nowdays as I've just bought a couple from @Duke Thieroff. Also might add the 576 and 575 are different chassis's and cyl's.