Curious to how much wood y'all are burning. I'm specifically interested in those with similar setups, & or scenarios.
I'm running a Heatmor 200 series (28" x 36" firebox). It is heating my roughly 2000 sq ft home, roughly 1100 sq ft garage, & my hot water. My stove is in a shed, & relatively close to the house (25' roughly), & the garage is a hike, nearly 300' away.
I replaced an indoor stove with this unit. I'm liking the constant heat throughout the house, & especially love the heated garage...! She's gobbling the wood up though. Curious to others' experience, & or wood consumption.
I'm burning primarily oak, with some other hardwoods mixed in; hickory, locust, wild cherry, etc... but would guess 75% red oak. I fired her up, first week of October but, it's been colder than usual lately. Teens night before last. To date, I estimate, I've burned 2.5 - 3 cords so far. Although, she's gotten a lot hungrier as the temps have dropped. Through most of October, I would load once a day. A solid twice a day now, with the occasional top off, when I'm around, & thinking about it.
I'll be burning till the end of April, or first part of May. I figured going into this winter, I'd burn 8-10 cord. Depending how cold it gets, my estimate might be a little light.....
What's your consumption vs. set up...?