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How do you keep up with the Forum?


Tree feller, axe handle breaker
Local time
2:17 PM
User ID
Jan 24, 2018
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Extreme Southeast CA
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So I've been thinking about this and trying to figure out how not to come off as complaining, and it's not like we can change how everything and everyone works anyway, but here we go.

I'd been away a while and got more active recently. Wasn't sawing much and social media is easier. I got back on the forums to find old posts and look back at what I'd done in the past, which social media is no good for. Relationships and knowing people is also huge.

For that reason - learning sharing, and remembering info - I like my projects (and others) consolidated in one "build thread" for reference...but it seems the forum has gone the way of social media.

A few long running threads on various subjects with everyone's stuff all thrown together like a train blowing by. Makes it hard to keep track of who's doing what and search back in the future.

Also, I find that if I get subscribed and actually try to keep up with the long threads, it eats up tons of my day. I also noticed that if I post in one of them, or on FB, I get lots of views and answers, but if I post in my own individual project threads, it's kinda crickets. I get why, everyone is probably subscribed and getting notifications on those long threads.

So any suggestions for the new style? I guess keep posting stuff I want to keep track of in my own threads, paste in important info, and stuff that's just to share in the long threads...? Of course, trying to keep track of stuff here is probably foolish in case of a forum death or server crash or something...



I'm here for the sick'n twisted company
Yearly GoldMember
Local time
10:17 PM
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Apr 28, 2016
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I for the most part don't even try to keep up, don't have the time nor strength (concentration) for that.
Every now and then I just click the"Mark Forums Read" tab to blend out unread Forums/Posts.

I don't do social media because I find it making people asocial.
I log in to my YT channel once a month or so.

But that's just me and I have been told to be "different" - mildly said.