Pinnacle OPE Member

Jason, sorry to hear about your brother's saws. Do you think a complete Stihl 044 would work for him? It is sitting on my shelf and maybe he could use it.
I can send it to you and you can check it out. You got to take care of your family.
I have brothers too and we take care of each other when something bad occurs.
Let me know. Jack
That's incredible for you to make this offer Jack. That said, it doesnt surprise me. You may have forgotten about what Im about to share with everyone here, but I never have. Back in July of 2014 on FHC, there was a member there that had sourced a lot of Solo 665s. I was in for one, but had to back out bc of some health issues I was having, and a Cardiologist I went to see, decided he wanted to do a heart cath on me. (Scary time in my life- really the whole year was bad). Money was tight for me, bc following the heart cath, I was going to have to take some time off work and recover. You asked if you could purchase the 665 for me and hold it until I could pay for it. I had never spoken to you, in truth, I don't believe that I had ever seen a post from you or your user name even on any of the sites. I cannot express how your kindness (for someone you don't know) touched me. It made a lasting impression on me. Ive never forgotten it. Just wanted to share that story with the forum, for those that may not know you. I wish I could shake your hand.