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Got a new saw.....


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2:04 AM
User ID
Feb 24, 2016
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southern ontario
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I just keep my Chevy parked in the barn so no one sees it. Same with my the pontoon boat since it has a Mercury on it!

I am not brand loyal at all. I just buy what I can afford at the time. I had been contemplating a big "personal" saw for some different uses. We have a 661 at work and is a nice saw, I'm just not a fan of the Mtronic yet. Now to decide who I will get to port this one! Any suggestions? How many TN saw doctors do we have on here?
Ouch thats my two favorite things. GM and MERCURY. What next ya gonna bash, my echo saw lol

Sent from my SM-J320W8 using Tapatalk

Brush Ape

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Local time
1:04 AM
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Jan 9, 2016
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Metropolis, Il
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I've found brand loyalty is nothing but ignorance.

This is a blanket statement which isn't grounded in reality and which doesn't hold up to experience; its target the subject of an ad hominem attack in this case. To discard brand loyalty as merely a marketing phenomenon is to ignore the facts. Ignoring facts is another kind of ignorance.

The purpose of a business is to create a customer. That means selling to a part of the market who actually uses the goods or services in question in a repeatable fashion. If your repeat customers constitute one-fifth of your sales, that can produce four-fifths of your bottom line. To connect with a market driver like that frees up resources to enhance your operation because customers return on their own volition. Those customers' experience works for you in the field without any additional input from you.

In large part the end user's profit is based on efficiency. When operating a system or set of tools to accomplish the work, it is more efficient and safer to use the systems and tools that have been part of the day to day operations of that organization. For instance, I have noticed the fuel cap from my climbing saw was a perfect match for the one on my MS 441 M-Tronic when I was in a pinch to land some logs and wasn't as concerned with climbing that Saturday afternoon. Parts weren't available for a couple days but the work got done now. One could have accomplished it with spare parts and kept a smaller inventory being as it fit several models. I used the one I had. Brand loyalty amongst hipsters, well...uh?? Dunno what makes those fart can muffler neckbeards tick anyhow. They'll straight gas it at a frat party with thier gay buds I reckon.

Besides, you can't argue with success. If something works, why should I change it?

Brush Ape

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Local time
1:04 AM
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Jan 9, 2016
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Metropolis, Il
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My specific point was that most manufacturers make a decent product. But thanks for that I guess.

You're welcome, boss.

BTW, that statement is ironic. Being specific and guessing are two different things.


Saw R skeery
Local time
1:04 AM
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Oct 21, 2016
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I just keep my Chevy parked in the barn so no one sees it. Same with my the pontoon boat since it has a Mercury on it!

I am not brand loyal at all. I just buy what I can afford at the time. I had been contemplating a big "personal" saw for some different uses. We have a 661 at work and is a nice saw, I'm just not a fan of the Mtronic yet. Now to decide who I will get to port this one! Any suggestions? How many TN saw doctors do we have on here?
My drive way has and yes all running a Toyota Honda Chevy Lexus
Garage has everything but a Dolmar

Yeah, I'm a special kind of stupid
Naw my BIL got ya beat.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
2:04 AM
User ID
Oct 25, 2016
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East TN
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Ouch thats my two favorite things. GM and MERCURY. What next ya gonna bash, my echo saw lol

Sent from my SM-J320W8 using Tapatalk
I figured I would get a rise out of you on that. Actually it is the first Mercury I have owned. We run 225-250 Optimax engines on our patrol boats. We seem to be having bad luck with them recently. We had four blow up over the holiday weekend! We have been buying the 225 four stroke Mercs.