I live in a pretty rural area. Most everybody I associate with, burns wood to heat their homes. The MS 290 is by far the most common saw these guys are using in the woods to cut their firewood with. It's not even close.
The guys I'm friendly with, & or have cut with, all use a 290. The others, I run into, in the woods cutting their own firewood, 90% of em are using a 290.
There's a number of professional loggers around me too. One is my neighbor/buddy. He's a Stihl guy 100%. Although, he's using bigger, & more pro grade saws.
There's a number of places around where one can purchase a pro grade Stihl. Very few places where one could purchase a pro grade Husky. Tractor Supply, & Lowe's are only selling the pew pew saws, 440,455, 460, etc.. They sell a lot of 440's with 18" bars to guys who stuff em, & get disgruntled quickly. Same guy buys a 290, to replace his "inadequate husky" & feels like he's Mr. Chainsaw now. He's from here on out, a "Stihl Guy", & Husky Basher....
Someone has to have a pretty good interest to seek out further than the local, easily available offerings. I'm just a firewood cutter but, have been burning wood for 20+ yrs. As a contractor, I learned the difference between homeowner grade tools, & professional grade tools many years ago.