Locust Cutter
Air Force Redneck
I understand Norm. While I'm not doing this daily, for the last two days, I have been bucking, splitting and hauling Ash, Oak, Hackleberry and Hedge. Yesterday I bucked, loaded and unloaded (no splitting) an 18' car trailer with sides I fabricated out of spare Oak 2x4s and pine 2x6s. I probably only exceeded the 7K gross load limit by about 2-3K but I only had to haul it roughly 1/2 mile on blacktop, I wasn't worried about it. Today Dad and I assaulted the fence row with our MS201T, MMWS 346xp and muffler modded 562xp which carried the load after the 346 crapped out. I think I may have a bad carb or loose screws. Luckily one of My neighbors (who's family owns the ground) decided to make my life easier since I help him with harvest and lent me an early '80's C6500 with a 16' dump bed. Throwing the wood on was taxing, especially since I'm still healing from back surgery, but dumping it off at the end of the day was a God-send. I will have another dump truck or a dump trailer eventually. They're too nice not to own one.
Long story short, I am discovering that I'm neither 18 anymore nor fully healed and it was more than humbling to be getting taxed at a much slower pace than I used to...
Long story short, I am discovering that I'm neither 18 anymore nor fully healed and it was more than humbling to be getting taxed at a much slower pace than I used to...