Carbide chain? Boy we know who’s got the money now lol. Yes you are correct the 6400 is a good runner. A lot of people disown them because same weight as 79 and less power. But the weight doesn’t really bother me. Feels solid. And feels to have more grunt that most 60’s. And the option is always there to swap top ends. I have a couple 84cc top ends from hls when they had a sale. I know there is some hate on the aftermarket and not going oem 7900 but they were cheap lol. Hey, unclog that muffler!
Stihl PD3 & RD3 chain along with Stihl's chain storage boxes are about the only Stihl products that I can afford - that is the level of how broke I am!

Stihl Carbide chain is good as long as You understand what it is meant for - HINT: NOT for cutting stumps out of the ground.
The 6400 may have less power than her 73 & 79 siblings, but she makes it up tenfold in better manners and miles better fuel economy - I actually get tired by the time I spend a full tank of fuel on my PS-6400.
Compared to my 6100 my 6400 has loads more torque, I have learnt to appreciate that in the hard woods I tend to buck.
I got one or two "take off" 47mm top ends, I don't plan on ever being without my PS-6400.

I also own a NIB/NOS PS-7900 P&C kit, as well as an AM BB kit.
I keep looking for a good OEM 50mm take off, but none so far.
MMing the PS-6400/7300/7900 mufflers is easy, soft steel, just a bird cage inside.
I haven't modded my PS-6400 yet because I actually like her to be a little less loud for the wast amount of bucking I use her for. I can always swap the MMed muffler off my PS-7900 over if I ever so desire.