I'll also play with the capacitor values to change what frequencies the tone control rolls off . Also guitar specific.It depends on the guitar for me, I let my ears decide.
Yep, sometimes on telecasters I have run as big as a .1 orange drop.I'll also play with the capacitor values to change what frequencies the tone control rolls off . Also guitar specific.
I used to play A LOT. Got rid of all my electric stuff and now I just grab an acoustic when the mood hits me. Mainly a relaxation thing now days. My oldest son is playing now and he's got more natural talent in his pinky than I do in my whole body. Pretty neat to see and hear
Colonel Claypools Bucket of Bernies brains is so awesum.Not a musician and I don't own a guitar [yet], but I do consider myself somewhat of a junkie. I love bass guitar. Huge fan of a well crafted ax. Les Claypool is my favorite artist, ever gave him a listen?
And right now I can't stop listening to Remco:
Give his channel a try.