I was at the firehouse earlier (we run 1128, half-wrap Stihls exclusively on our engines minus the 460 R vent saw). They’re mostly intact-the 044s have a faded maroon (now almost tan) buffer for the upper rear handle mount, as does a 440 we bought in 2001. My first 046 (that I know was original) had a maroon one that faded over time. The 460 we bought in 2012 has a black one.
Checking some records, the last I ordered was 1128 790 9908 for an 046, I received 1128 790 9909, and it is black.
I would think 9909 has superseded that part or be different solely because it’s on the 461. A few of the 461 part numbers for parts that are common with the other 1128s are one number off, presumably because they stopped production of the 460, or maybe to track parts sales. I don’t know.
I’d order 1128 790 9909, that’s a safe bet.
The 9905 should be an 1122 series part for an 064/066/650/660.